android Programming Glossary: animate
How did Google manage to do this? Slide ActionBar in Android application true public void show boolean animate menuSize Functions.dpToPx 250 act content LinearLayout act.findViewById.. TranslateAnimation menuSize 0 0 0 ta.setDuration 500 if animate content.startAnimation ta parent FrameLayout content.getParent.. View view int position long id handle your menu click if animate menu.startAnimation ta menu.findViewById .setOnClickListener..
Android - How to make slide menu like facebook, spotify and Google + check if findLayout is already slided out so get so animate it back to initial position filterLayout.startAnimation filterSlideOut..
Complete Working Sample of the Gmail Three-Fragment Animation Scenario? and want to replace it with a new Fragment B using animated effects I am in complete agreement. However Since you can only.. handled at the outset GONE android layout_weight of 0 pre animated to a scale of 0 something else @Roman Nurik points out that.. of 0 something else @Roman Nurik points out that you can animate any property including ones that you define yourself. That can..
Android Drag/Animation of Views it to any location on the screen. I would also like to animate this ball when it gets drawn and when it gets dropped. I can.. to it since it's not a view. I have also developed an animated version of an ImageView with my image in it however I can't.. ImageView around a layout using MotionEvents or how do I animate using tweens defined in XML a non view based custom class Please..
How do I animate View.setVisibility(GONE) do I animate View.setVisibility GONE I want to make an Animation for when..
Android page Curl animation somehow one near the other and then when it's time to animate move the next two pages over What is the better way that would..
How to Animate Addition or Removal of Android ListView Rows Rows In iOS there is a very easy and powerful facility to animate the addition and removal of UITableView rows here's a clip from.. developing on Android I've found no equivalent facility to animate individual rows in a TableView . Calling notifyDataSetChanged.. the elements disappear immediately instead of getting animated out. I've also tried things like the following to animate an..
Update UI from Thread is still executing. For instance it can be used to animate a progress bar or show logs in a text field. onPostExecute Result..
Android Fragments and animation fragments android 3.0 share improve this question To animate the transition between fragments or to animate the process of.. To animate the transition between fragments or to animate the process of showing or hiding a fragment you use the Fragment.. newFragment detailFragment Start the animated transition. ft.commit To achieve the same thing with hiding..
Auto Scale TextView Text to Fit within Bounds does not fit I append an ellipsis. I had requirements to animate the text and reuse views and this seems to work well on the..
Extending RelativeLayout, and overriding dispatchDraw() to create a zoomable ViewGroup Except there's a problem. Some of those child views are animated and hence I periodically call invalidate on them. When the.. perfectly fine. When the scale is other than 1 those animated child views are only seen to update in a portion of their viewing.. that makes sense. To put it another way if I have a single animated child View and I gradually zoom in further and further from..
Problem to achieve curved animation [duplicate] animation to create a subclass of TweenAnimation that can animate along a curve. If you're good with math and can understand bezier.. forward option. Once you have that class you could easily animate across any curved path but it's more work. http
Is it possible to set an animated gif file as live wallpaper in android? it possible to set an animated gif file as live wallpaper in android I'm new to Android platform... in the Live Wallpaper Tutorial hacked to display an animated gif. First create a project set up your manifest as a Live.. basically scale the nyan nyan cat to fit the screen and animate it perpetually. A Live wallpaper manifest looks sort of like..
New Google Now and Google+ card interface Create a custom layout Add observer for drawing children Animate alternating cards Heres a code snippet @Override public void..
Map view following user - MyLocationOverlay type functionality for Android Maps API V2 null mListener.onLocationChanged location ..and Animate camera to center on that location the reason for we created..
How to get My Location changed event with Google Maps android API v2? null mListener.onLocationChanged location ..and Animate camera to center on that location the reason for we created..
Android listview row delete animation deltaXAbs v.getWidth endX 0 endAlpha 1 remove false Animate position and alpha of swiped item NOTE This is a simplified.. true firstAnimation false else Animate new views along with the others. The catch is that they did..
Android - Animate a View's topMargin/bottomMargin/etc in LinearLayout or RelativeLayout Animate a View's topMargin bottomMargin etc in LinearLayout or RelativeLayout..
Animate change of view background color in Android change of view background color in Android How do you animate..
How to Animate Addition or Removal of Android ListView Rows to Animate Addition or Removal of Android ListView Rows In iOS there is..
Android Animate Rotate Animate Rotate I did some digging in Android code and saw the use of..
Animate a custom Dialog a custom Dialog I'm trying to have a custom dialog appear as..
Animate the transition between fragments the transition between fragments I'm trying to animate the..
Animate image along path on Android? [duplicate] image along path on Android duplicate Possible Duplicate Android..
How does one Animate Layout properties of ViewGroups? does one Animate Layout properties of ViewGroups I have the following layout..
Rotating ImageView in Android < API Level 11 an ImageView Yay after they introduced the possibility to Animate such a rotation yay smart thinking yay But how should I go about..
Layout Animation Android[Facebook] Animation Android Facebook I want to Animate two Different layouts. Example I already have the animation..
Animate listview from back of layout listview from back of layout I am working on animation I have..
How did Google manage to do this? Slide ActionBar in Android application .getWindowVisibleDisplayFrame rectgle statusHeight true public void show boolean animate menuSize Functions.dpToPx 250 act content LinearLayout act.findViewById .getParent FrameLayout.LayoutParams.. parm animation for smooth slide out TranslateAnimation ta new TranslateAnimation menuSize 0 0 0 ta.setDuration 500 if animate content.startAnimation ta parent FrameLayout content.getParent LayoutInflater inflater LayoutInflater act.getSystemService.. @Override public void onItemClick AdapterView parent View view int position long id handle your menu click if animate menu.startAnimation ta menu.findViewById .setOnClickListener new OnClickListener @Override public void onClick..
Android - How to make slide menu like facebook, spotify and Google + this public void toggleSliding if isOtherSlideOut check if findLayout is already slided out so get so animate it back to initial position filterLayout.startAnimation filterSlideOut filterLayout.setVisibility View.INVISIBLE otherLayout.startAnimation..
Complete Working Sample of the Gmail Three-Fragment Animation Scenario? For a two fragment scenario e.g. you only see Fragment A initially and want to replace it with a new Fragment B using animated effects I am in complete agreement. However Since you can only specify one in and one out animation I can't see how you.. on a percentage basis I am at a loss as to how Fragment C is handled at the outset GONE android layout_weight of 0 pre animated to a scale of 0 something else @Roman Nurik points out that you can animate any property including ones that you define.. GONE android layout_weight of 0 pre animated to a scale of 0 something else @Roman Nurik points out that you can animate any property including ones that you define yourself. That can help solve the issue of the hard wired positions at the cost..
Android Drag/Animation of Views can help Endpoint I want to have the user touch a ball and drag it to any location on the screen. I would also like to animate this ball when it gets drawn and when it gets dropped. I can accomplish the dragging part using a custom class that doesn't.. drag drop however I don't know how to apply the tween animation to it since it's not a view. I have also developed an animated version of an ImageView with my image in it however I can't manage to apply the same drag drop functionality without using.. which I know is a no no. So... how do I move an ImageView around a layout using MotionEvents or how do I animate using tweens defined in XML a non view based custom class Please ask questions if this is not clear. I don't know all the..
How do I animate View.setVisibility(GONE) do I animate View.setVisibility GONE I want to make an Animation for when a View gets it's visibility set to GONE . Instead of just..
Android page Curl animation page flipping over the other like a book Using two pages placing somehow one near the other and then when it's time to animate move the next two pages over What is the better way that would enable displaying the left page flipping over the right page..
How to Animate Addition or Removal of Android ListView Rows to Animate Addition or Removal of Android ListView Rows In iOS there is a very easy and powerful facility to animate the addition and removal of UITableView rows here's a clip from a youtube video showing the default animation. Note how.. they were looking at when the data changed. Since I've been developing on Android I've found no equivalent facility to animate individual rows in a TableView . Calling notifyDataSetChanged on my Adapter causes the ListView to immediately update its.. and remove elements from my adapter after the list has displayed the elements disappear immediately instead of getting animated out. I've also tried things like the following to animate an individual item when it is removed @Override protected void..
Update UI from Thread of progress in the user interface while the background computation is still executing. For instance it can be used to animate a progress bar or show logs in a text field. onPostExecute Result invoked on the UI thread after the background computation..
Android Fragments and animation this due to the emulator being a slideshow android android fragments android 3.0 share improve this question To animate the transition between fragments or to animate the process of showing or hiding a fragment you use the Fragment Manager.. android fragments android 3.0 share improve this question To animate the transition between fragments or to animate the process of showing or hiding a fragment you use the Fragment Manager to create a Fragment Transaction . Within each.. DetailsFragment.newInstance ft.replace newFragment detailFragment Start the animated transition. ft.commit To achieve the same thing with hiding or showing a fragment you'd simply call or ft.hide..
Auto Scale TextView Text to Fit within Bounds until I have a size that fits. At the end if the text still does not fit I append an ellipsis. I had requirements to animate the text and reuse views and this seems to work well on the devices I have and seems to run fast enough for me. DO WHAT..
Extending RelativeLayout, and overriding dispatchDraw() to create a zoomable ViewGroup and all of the views held within properly rescale together. Except there's a problem. Some of those child views are animated and hence I periodically call invalidate on them. When the scale is 1 those child views are seen to redraw periodically.. the scale is 1 those child views are seen to redraw periodically perfectly fine. When the scale is other than 1 those animated child views are only seen to update in a portion of their viewing area or not at all depending on the zoom scale. My initial.. actually update in the backing bitmap remains unscaled if that makes sense. To put it another way if I have a single animated child View and I gradually zoom in further and further from an initial scale of 1 and if we place an imaginary box on the..
Problem to achieve curved animation [duplicate] limited reuse but you can do it. Or you can write your own animation to create a subclass of TweenAnimation that can animate along a curve. If you're good with math and can understand bezier curves then that might be a straight forward option. Once.. can understand bezier curves then that might be a straight forward option. Once you have that class you could easily animate across any curved path but it's more work. http wiki B C3 A9zier_curve Here's some VB code http
Is it possible to set an animated gif file as live wallpaper in android? it possible to set an animated gif file as live wallpaper in android I'm new to Android platform. I wish to develop a live wallpaper application. When.. this question This is the basic wallpaper service as supplied in the Live Wallpaper Tutorial hacked to display an animated gif. First create a project set up your manifest as a Live wallpaper. Then download a gif like this one Save that gif in.. mWhen mNyan.draw canvas 0 0 canvas.restore This will basically scale the nyan nyan cat to fit the screen and animate it perpetually. A Live wallpaper manifest looks sort of like this this example does not contain a configuration activity..
New Google Now and Google+ card interface replicate create Google Cards style layout here . Key steps Create a custom layout Add observer for drawing children Animate alternating cards Heres a code snippet @Override public void onGlobalLayout getViewTreeObserver .removeGlobalOnLayoutListener..
Map view following user - MyLocationOverlay type functionality for Android Maps API V2 will set the blue dot at the new received location if mListener null mListener.onLocationChanged location ..and Animate camera to center on that location the reason for we created this custom Location Source mMap.animateCamera CameraUpdateFactory.newLatLng..
How to get My Location changed event with Google Maps android API v2? will set the blue dot at the new received location if mListener null mListener.onLocationChanged location ..and Animate camera to center on that location the reason for we created this custom Location Source mMap.animateCamera CameraUpdateFactory.newLatLng..
Android listview row delete animation else Not far enough animate it back fractionCovered 1 deltaXAbs v.getWidth endX 0 endAlpha 1 remove false Animate position and alpha of swiped item NOTE This is a simplified version of swipe behavior for the purposes of this demo about.. mBackgroundContainer.hideBackground mSwiping false mListView.setEnabled true firstAnimation false else Animate new views along with the others. The catch is that they did not exist in the start state so we must calculate their starting..
Android - Animate a View's topMargin/bottomMargin/etc in LinearLayout or RelativeLayout Animate a View's topMargin bottomMargin etc in LinearLayout or RelativeLayout I am trying to create a menu that slides up from..
Animate change of view background color in Android change of view background color in Android How do you animate the change of background color of a view in Android For example..
How to Animate Addition or Removal of Android ListView Rows to Animate Addition or Removal of Android ListView Rows In iOS there is a very easy and powerful facility to animate the addition..
Android Animate Rotate Animate Rotate I did some digging in Android code and saw the use of in the indeterminate progress bar. after trying to create..
Animate a custom Dialog a custom Dialog I'm trying to have a custom dialog appear as though it's sliding down from a text view. Is this possible..
Animate the transition between fragments the transition between fragments I'm trying to animate the transition between fragments. I got the answer from the following..
Animate image along path on Android? [duplicate] image along path on Android duplicate Possible Duplicate Android move bitmap along a path Is there a way to animate an..
How does one Animate Layout properties of ViewGroups? does one Animate Layout properties of ViewGroups I have the following layout xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 LinearLayout xmlns android http..
Rotating ImageView in Android < API Level 11 So in API Level 11 Google introduced the ability to rotate an ImageView Yay after they introduced the possibility to Animate such a rotation yay smart thinking yay But how should I go about to rotate an ImageView using e.g. API level 8 I can't use..
Layout Animation Android[Facebook] Animation Android Facebook I want to Animate two Different layouts. Example I already have the animation the way I want I just want to animate a different XML Layout...
Animate listview from back of layout listview from back of layout I am working on animation I have one Layout and list view and I am applying animation to list..