

python Programming Glossary: sys.maxsize

How do I determine if my python shell is executing in 32bit or 64bit mode on OS X?


improve this question UPDATED One way is to look at sys.maxsize as documented here python 32 c 'import sys print x sys.maxsize.. as documented here python 32 c 'import sys print x sys.maxsize sys.maxsize 2 32 ' '7fffffff' False python 64 c 'import sys.. here python 32 c 'import sys print x sys.maxsize sys.maxsize 2 32 ' '7fffffff' False python 64 c 'import sys print x sys.maxsize..

“no matching architecture in universal wrapper” problem in wxPython?


The reliable way is to examine sys.maxint for Python 2 or sys.maxsize for Python 3. You don't indicate in your question how you invoke..

Maximum and Minimum values for ints


at all for integers. However it's still available as sys.maxsize in case you need to get the machine's word size . share improve..

Numpy error: invalid value encountered in power


python because the same operations don't overflow for me sys.maxsize 9223372036854775807 size 3000 c numpysum size but they will..

Maximum value for long integer


2.x with sys.maxint . It was removed in Python 3 but sys.maxsize can often be used instead. From the changelog The sys.maxint.. is no longer a limit to the value of integers. However sys.maxsize can be used as an integer larger than any practical list or.. results from the use of 2 ™s complement binary arithmetic. sys.maxsize The largest positive integer supported by the platform ™s Py_ssize_t..