

python Programming Glossary: sys.exit

How do I capture SIGINT in Python?


signal_handler signal frame print 'You pressed Ctrl C ' sys.exit 0 signal.signal signal.SIGINT signal_handler print 'Press Ctrl..

Keyboard Interrupts with python's multiprocessing Pool


EXECUTES. pool.terminate print You cancelled the program sys.exit 1 print nFinally here are the results results if __name__ __main__..

Can I run a Python script as a service?


process a daemon. try # First fork try if os.fork 0 sys.exit 0 except OSError e sys.stderr.write 'fork #1 failed d s n' e.errno.. sys.stderr.write 'fork #1 failed d s n' e.errno e.strerror sys.exit 1 os.setsid os.chdir our_home_dir os.umask 0 # Second fork try.. fpid open pidfile 'wb' fpid.write str pid fpid.close sys.exit 0 except OSError e sys.stderr.write 'fork #2 failed d s n' e.errno..

multiprocessing GUI schemas to combat the “Not Responding” blocking


__main__ app QtGui.QApplication win MainWindow win.show sys.exit app.exec_ More Information I am writing a program which I would.. __main__ app QtGui.QApplication win MainWindow win.show sys.exit app.exec_ Thank you for all of the answers I appreciate the.. sys.argv main_window MainWindow main_window.show sys.exit app.exec_ Edit I did another example using a QTimer instead..

Fastest way to list all primes below N in python


all a b for a b in itertools.izip_longest f1 num f2 num sys.exit Error s s s s f1.func_name num f2.func_name num n 1000000 test..

Download image file from the HTML page source using python?


1 url sys.argv 2 if not url.lower .startswith http _usage sys.exit 1 main url out_folder Edit You can specify the output folder..

What is the fastest way to send 100,000 HTTP requests in Python?


q.put url.strip q.join except KeyboardInterrupt sys.exit 1 This one is slighty faster than the twisted solution and uses..

How to embed a Python interpreter in a PyQT widget


'myVar1' app 'myVar2' 1234 console.show sys.exit app.exec_ python pyqt embed ipython share improve this question..

Python - Best library for drawing [closed]


Python: single instance of program


tendo import singleton me singleton.SingleInstance # will sys.exit 1 if other instance is running The latest code version is available..

Increment a python floating point value by the smallest possible amount


math dll print Platform repr _platform is not supported sys.exit 0 _nextafter getattr _libm _funcname _nextafter.restype ctypes.c_double..

Using MultipartPostHandler to POST form-data with Python


Check permissions on the file or folder it resides in sys.exit 1 # Build the POST request url http somedomain.com action analyze..

Terminating a Python script


termination share improve this question import sys sys.exit details from the sys module documentation sys. exit arg Exit.. to stderr and results in an exit code of 1. In particular sys.exit some error message is a quick way to exit a program when an..

How to use xpath in Python?


if len res 2 print xpath query wrong node set size sys.exit 1 if res 0 .name doc or res 1 .name foo print xpath query wrong.. or res 1 .name foo print xpath query wrong node set value sys.exit 1 doc.freeDoc ctxt.xpathFreeContext Sample of ElementTree XPath..

Simple Digit Recognition OCR in OpenCV-Python


10 10 cv2.imshow 'norm' im key cv2.waitKey 0 if key 27 sys.exit elif key in keys responses.append int chr key sample roismall.reshape..