

python Programming Glossary: sys._getframe

Getting the block of commands that are to be executed in the with statement


__exit__ self exc_type exc_value traceback self.ns.update sys._getframe 1 .f_locals my_dict 'a' 3 'b' 2 with MyNameSpace my_dict as..

Can Python determine the class of a object accessing a method


from the locals. class Reciever def themethod self frame sys._getframe 1 arguments frame.f_code.co_argcount if arguments 0 print Not..

Undecompilable Python


the locals list in the code object for example. Neuter the sys._getframe function slash traceback information. Both these steps require..

Python string interpolation implementation


'' dictionary None if dictionary is None import sys caller sys._getframe 1 dictionary caller.f_locals print string.format dictionary.. import sys def get_scope scope scope scope.lower caller sys._getframe 2 options 'l' 'local' 'g' 'global' if scope not in options 2..

globals and locals in python exec()


the module scope's locals. exec compile import sys nprint sys._getframe .f_code.co_name blah exec module exec a 1 nclass A object n..

Accessing the name that an object being created is assigned to


than the simple assignment you're looking for. def f f sys._getframe i f.f_lasti 3 # capture current point of execution advance to..