

python Programming Glossary: synced

Django test FileField using test fixtures


a different media folder for tests which must be kept synced with the test fixtures. Is there any way to specify another..

Django syncdb error: One or more models did not validate


defined class User ...... class Details ...... When DB i synced there is an error saying Error One or more models did not validate..

Why don't my south migrations work?


fable.wall mediasync staticfiles debug_toolbar Not synced use migrations use . manage.py migrate to migrate these Cool....now..

Merge and sync stdout and stderr?


is there any way I can generate on top of it a merged and synced text file of both stdout and stderr it should be formatted with..

How do I create a radial cluster like the following code-example in Python?


Can't login to Django /admin interface


subproject directory. EOEDIT Then I created superuser and synced databases python2.5 xxx xxx guestbook manage.py createsuperuser..

Why is reading lines from stdin much slower in C++ than Python?


fast server with very fast disk comparing the python the unsynced cin and the fgets approaches as well as comparing with the wc.. a small tradeoff with using a char buffer and fgets vs unsynced cin to string is that the latter can read lines of any length.. speed for the same file on the same box with the original synced C code. Again this is for a 100M line file on a fast disk. Here's..