

python Programming Glossary: sys.stdout

Python output buffering


buffering enabled by default in Python's interpreter for sys.stdout If the answer is positive what are all the ways to disable it.. it Suggestions so far Use the u command line switch Wrap sys.stdout in an object that flushes after every write Set PYTHONUNBUFFERED.. flushes after every write Set PYTHONUNBUFFERED env var sys.stdout os.fdopen sys.stdout.fileno 'w' 0 Is there any other way to..

Can I redirect the stdout in python into some sort of string buffer?


from cStringIO import StringIO import sys old_stdout sys.stdout sys.stdout mystdout StringIO # blah blah lots of code ... sys.stdout.. cStringIO import StringIO import sys old_stdout sys.stdout sys.stdout mystdout StringIO # blah blah lots of code ... sys.stdout old_stdout.. sys.stdout mystdout StringIO # blah blah lots of code ... sys.stdout old_stdout # examine mystdout.getvalue share improve this..

Python subprocess readlines() hangs


sys import pexpect pexpect.run ruby ruby_sleep.rb logfile sys.stdout Or stdbuf to enable line buffering in non interactive mode from..

How to flush output of Python print? [duplicate]


printing flush share improve this question import sys sys.stdout.flush print by default prints to sys.stdout References http.. import sys sys.stdout.flush print by default prints to sys.stdout References http docs.python.org reference simple_stmts.html#the..

Redirect stdout to a file in Python?


without using nohup out of curiosity. I have already tried sys.stdout open 'somefile' 'w' but this does not seem to prevent some external.. modules from still outputting to terminal or maybe the sys.stdout ... line did not fire at all . I know it should work from simpler.. want to do the redirection within the Python script set sys.stdout to an file object does the trick import sys sys.stdout open..

Intercepting stdout of a subprocess while it is running


this is my subprocess import time sys for i in range 200 sys.stdout.write 'reading i n' i time.sleep .02 And this is the script.. if next_line '' and proc.poll None break sys.stdout.write next_line sys.stdout.flush print 'done' Why is readline.. '' and proc.poll None break sys.stdout.write next_line sys.stdout.flush print 'done' Why is readline and communicate waiting until..

Python, Unicode, and the Windows console


and a solution search the page for the text Wrapping sys.stdout into an instance PrintFails Python Wiki share improve this..

How do I duplicate sys.stdout to a log file in python?


do I duplicate sys.stdout to a log file in python Edit Since it appears that there's.. s.log self.name 'w' 0 # re open stdout without buffering sys.stdout os.fdopen sys.stdout.fileno 'w' 0 # redirect stdout and stderr.. 0 # re open stdout without buffering sys.stdout os.fdopen sys.stdout.fileno 'w' 0 # redirect stdout and stderr to the log file opened..