

python Programming Glossary: sys.stdin.fileno

Reading a single character (getch style) in Python is not working in Unix


there own class netserver.CDbgInputStream as sys.stdin so sys.stdin.fileno is zero thats why the error. Basically IDE stdin is not a tty.. import tty sys def __call__ self import sys tty termios fd sys.stdin.fileno old_settings termios.tcgetattr fd try tty.setraw sys.stdin.fileno.. old_settings termios.tcgetattr fd try tty.setraw sys.stdin.fileno ch sys.stdin.read 1 finally termios.tcsetattr fd termios.TCSADRAIN..

How to do “hit any key” in python?


ImportError # UNIX def getch import sys tty termios fd sys.stdin.fileno old termios.tcgetattr fd try tty.setraw fd return sys.stdin.read..

Can I run a Python script as a service?


out_log 'a ' 0 se open err_log 'a ' 0 os.dup2 si.fileno sys.stdin.fileno os.dup2 so.fileno sys.stdout.fileno os.dup2 se.fileno sys.stderr.fileno..

Python live coding/debugging


local locs locs args 0 if args else None fileno sys.stdin.fileno p Process target _open_interp args locs fileno p.daemon True..

Python C program subprocess hangs at “for line in iter”


stdout if sys.stdin in fds # got user input data os.read sys.stdin.fileno 512 if not data input_fds.remove sys.stdin else master.write..

Python nonblocking console input


old_settings termios.tcgetattr sys.stdin try tty.setcbreak sys.stdin.fileno i 0 while 1 print i i 1 if isData c sys.stdin.read 1 if c '..

Accepting only numbers as input in Python


™s a solution without curses import termios fcntl sys os fd sys.stdin.fileno oldterm termios.tcgetattr fd newattr termios.tcgetattr fd newattr..

How to stop SIGINT being passed to subprocess in python?


import tty # Back up previous tty settings stdin_fileno sys.stdin.fileno old_ttyattr tty.tcgetattr stdin_fileno try print 'Reassigning..

Setting smaller buffer size for sys.stdin?


os.fdopen . I.e. import os import sys newin os.fdopen sys.stdin.fileno 'r' 100 should bind newin to the name of a file object that..

Python cross-platform listening for keypresses?


ImportError import termios fcntl sys os def kbhit fd sys.stdin.fileno oldterm termios.tcgetattr fd newattr termios.tcgetattr fd newattr..

Python read a single character from the user


import tty sys def __call__ self import sys tty termios fd sys.stdin.fileno old_settings termios.tcgetattr fd try tty.setraw sys.stdin.fileno.. old_settings termios.tcgetattr fd try tty.setraw sys.stdin.fileno ch sys.stdin.read 1 finally termios.tcsetattr fd termios.TCSADRAIN..

Python multiprocessing pool inside daemon process


'a ' #se open self.stderr 'a ' 0 #os.dup2 si.fileno sys.stdin.fileno #os.dup2 so.fileno sys.stdout.fileno #os.dup2 se.fileno sys.stderr.fileno..

How to inherit stdin and stdout in python by using os.execv()


Is there any way to pass 'stdin' as an argument to another process in python?


help you could try os.dup newstdin os.fdopen os.dup sys.stdin.fileno try p Process target get_input args newstdin p.start finally..