python Programming Glossary: superior
Key-ordered dict in python is viable and it's hard to think of one as intrinsically superior to the other. If you tend to do a bunch of writes then a bunch..
Presentations on switching from Perl to Python [closed] or such that your company needs that is available or far superior in Python that is not available or of far lesser quality in..
Python string 'join' is faster(?) than '+', but what's wrong here? every which way even plain good old .append is alread superior. In addition it's obviously and trivially easy to optimize python..
What is the pythonic way to detect the last element in a python 'for' loop? line Apart from that I don't think there is a generally superior solution as it depends on what you are trying to do. For example..
Why tuple is faster than list? is absolutely no reason to keep it around since 3.1 is superior to it in every way Python 2.7 if you can upgrade to it measures..
python for loop, how to find next value(object)? solutions work for generators. For that see Glenn Maynards superior solution. use zip for small lists for current last in zip entries..
Which Python async library would be best suited for my code? Asyncore? Twisted? It's hard to demonstrate all the ways in which Twisted is superior in a short answer how could I demonstrate a http dns ssh smtp..
How do you create a daemon in Python? improve this question Sander Marechal's code sample is superior to the original which was originally posted in 2004. I once..
Java -> Python? Python a lot more. But as a language I think Python is superior for most things I find myself needing to accomplish. share..
What are the drawbacks of Stackless Python? [closed] the Stackless functionality in PyPy and considers it much superior to Stackless itself and feels that PyPy is the way of the future...
The new print function in Python 3.x the print statement just doesn't cut it and a function is superior. python function printing python 3.x python 2.x share improve..
Python machine-learning library? which i know almost nothing about other than is apparently superior to the kd tree the traditional data structure for k NN because..
Which of these scripting languages is more appropriate for pen-testing? [closed] benefits and at present for x86 reversing work Python's superior debugging interfaces edge out all the Ruby benefits. Also it's..
Counting repeated characters in a string in Python His answer is more concise than mine is and technically superior. I recommend using his code over mine. share improve this answer..