

python Programming Glossary: supposedly

Capturing a single image from my webcam in Java or Python


pygame.image.save methods three times before the image I supposedly took on the first pair of calls actually gets saved. They appeared..

Why is '#!/usr/bin/env python' supposedly more correct than just '#!/usr/bin/python'?


is '# usr bin env python' supposedly more correct than just '# usr bin python' Anyone know this..

Python relative imports for the billionth time


import in non package has an answer that involves m supposedly. Can somebody please tell me why Python gives that error message..

Python thread pool similar to the multiprocessing Pool?


which is mentioned briefly in the docs . This dummy module supposedly provides the whole multiprocessing interface based on threads...

Converting a Mercurial (hg) repository to Git on Windows (7)


people more fortunate than me singing the praises of each supposedly helpful blog post but I haven't gotten anywhere with this. Can..

Financial technical analysis in python


API for Yahoo Stock Data QuantLib Open source library supposedly has Python Bindings PyFinancial Docs in Spanish PyMacLab Series..

SQLAlchemy, clear database content but don't drop the schema


Edit I modified the code to delete tables in reverse order supposedly this should ensure that children are deleted before parents...

Uses for Dynamic Languages


programmer and unable to appreciate the flexibility they supposedly offer and want to learn to take full advantage of them now...

Python Uniform Spherical Distribution


correct value apparently. Below is some matlab code that supposedly creates a uniform sphere which is similar to the equation http..