python Programming Glossary: suits
Parsing Meaning from Text Houston Astros as another sports organization or whatever suits your domain and Relationship Extraction. There is a NER chunker..
Convert Python dict to object? and onwards consider whether the namedtuple data structure suits your needs from collections import namedtuple MyStruct namedtuple..
In wxPython, What is the Standard Process of Making an Application Slightly More Complex Than a Wizard? Go through each demo and I bet you'll find one that suits your needs. I've personally never used wxWizard as I find it..
Database on the fly with scripting languages this task. I looked around and can't find anything that suits my need. Is it even possible python sql database sqlite3 sqlalchemy..
Good automated system testing framework in python [closed]
Iterate over the lines of a string built ins for such stuff but I could find nothing that suits this need. python string iterator share improve this question..
Recommendation for python form validation library [closed] is still true I think the notion of one form library that suits everybody is quite ludicrous. In fact I'd argue you probably..
How to show my Facebook Wall on my website idea. Experts please help. EDIT 1 LIKEBOX PLUGIN somewhat suits my basic needs. Any other better way php python django facebook..
calculate exponential moving average in python from SciKits add on toolkits that complement SciPy better suits the wording of your question. To calculate an exponential smoothing..
Handling very large numbers in Python process up would be to represent all the card faces and suits as prime numbers and multiply them together to represent the.. the hands. To whit class PokerCard faces '23456789TJQKA' suits 'cdhs' facePrimes 11 13 17 19 23 29 31 37 41 43 53 59 61 suitPrimes..
What is the difference between a site and an app in Django? app the arrangement is very flexible you can adapt however suits best to help abstract and manage the complexity or simplicity..