python Programming Glossary: supplies
Differences between Framework and non-Framework builds of Python on Mac OS X be in a proper Mac application bundle. The Framework build supplies that. Apple Developer Connection Framework Definition A framework..
How Python web frameworks, WSGI and CGI fit together Headers for you and adds these to the environment. It supplies any POST oriented input as a file like object in the environment...
Getting Python under control on Mac OS X - setting up environment and libraries instance together in one place. For Mac OS X 10.6 Apple supplies a Python 2.6 rooted at System Library Frameworks Python.framework.. pip or sudo port install py31 distribute . Note that Apple supplies a set of easy_install links in usr bin for its Pythons and they..
Python Pythonpath Modules install when you install a package. For OS X 10.5 and 10.6 Apple supplies easy_install commands in usr bin for the Pythons it supplies... easy_install commands in usr bin for the Pythons it supplies. For example in 10.6 ls l usr bin easy_install rwxr xr x 2 root.. follow the instructions to install either setuptools which supplies the traditional version of easy_install or Distribute the more..
What do we call this (new?) higher-order function? a variety of other contexts. Plow tends to be unused and supplies a great visual of pushing steadily through a line of soil. Maybe..
Add class to Django label_tag() output me to annotate the form fields with label classes and supplies form rendering methods using those classes. So that the following..
Learning Python from Ruby; Differences and Similarities needs the input list and the resulting list. Python also supplies similar map comprehensions. Python supports tuples Ruby doesn't...
Python multiprocessing for multiple arguments that text is the variable that should be mapped while case supplies the mapping function with extra information about the whole..
How to limit choice field options based on another choice field in django admin script You need a view to be called on the items URL that supplies a JSON list of the valid items. You can hook this into your..