

python Programming Glossary: planned

Pythons many ways of string formatting ??are the older ones (going to be) deprecated?


Python answer mentions that the original ' ' approach is planned to be deprecated . But what's the difference between planned.. to be deprecated . But what's the difference between planned to be deprecated pending deprecation and actual deprecation..

Subclassing Python dictionary to override __setitem__


pass else raise RunTimeException Error did not occur as planned python_dict dict 'b' 2 'c' 3 a 1 test_updates python_dict my_dict..

django and netbeans?


plugin for netbeans. Is there one . If no when is one planned Worst case scenario I'll have to use another IDE I really dont..

Python: Why is functools.partial necessary?


was repentant of ever having accepted it into Python and planned to remove it in Python 3 as one of Python's glitches and I fully..

Python name mangling: When in doubt, do what?


Overflow I feel my answer is not so good. Sorry I just planned to answer to the more straightforward question about what is..

Getting all visible text from a webpage using Selenium


same text multiple times it does not however only work as planned on some webpages. it also makes the script A LOT slower I'm..

How do distribute and pip relate to one another?


and possibly for some of the higher level add ons. It is planned to be released in the Python 3.3 standard library as the packaging..

Checking for NaN presence in a container


about Python 3.2.1 but if there are any changes existing planned in future versions I'd like to know that too. NaN float 'nan'..