python Programming Glossary: plane
Good geometry library in python? 3D if present evaluate the point of intersection between a plane and a line or the line of intersection between two planes evaluate.. a plane and a line or the line of intersection between two planes evaluate the minimum distance between a line and a point find.. between a line and a point find the orthonormal to a plane passing through a point rotate translate mirror a set of points..
Warning raised by inserting 4-byte unicode to mysql but failed. So any help python mysql regex astral plane share improve this question If MySQL cannot handle UTF 8..
Using numpy.take for faster fancy indexing better as follows. Say you have an array img of shape planes rows and another array lut of shape planes 256 and you want.. img of shape planes rows and another array lut of shape planes 256 and you want to use them to create a new array out of shape.. you want to use them to create a new array out of shape planes rows where out p j lut p img p j . This can be achieved with..
How to draw diagrams like this? I attached below which includes the two intersecting planes with the right amount of transparency indicating their relative.. orientations and the circles and vectors in the two planes projected in 2D. I'm not sure if there is an existing package.. split at looks like it in 'on top of' the upper blue plane . The 'proper' ordering of the surfaces also seems to be dependent..
Best way to decode unknown unicoding encoding in Python 2.5 x9F x80 xBF # excluding surrogates xF0 x90 xBF x80 xBF 2 # planes 1 3 xF1 xF3 x80 xBF 3 # planes 4 15 xF4 x80 x8F x80 xBF 2 #.. xF0 x90 xBF x80 xBF 2 # planes 1 3 xF1 xF3 x80 xBF 3 # planes 4 15 xF4 x80 x8F x80 xBF 2 # plane 16 re.X In practice if you're.. 3 xF1 xF3 x80 xBF 3 # planes 4 15 xF4 x80 x8F x80 xBF 2 # plane 16 re.X In practice if you're dealing with English I've found..
Find all Chinese text in a string using Python and Regex you need to detect Chinese characters in the supplementary plane for wide builds # coding utf 8 import re LHan 0x2E80 0x2E99..
How can you determine a point is between two other points on a line segment? on a line segment Let's say you have a two dimensional plane with 2 points called a and b on it represented by an x integer..
Non biased return a list of n random positive numbers (>=0) so that their sum == total_sum N 3. The space of allowed values U is a portion of a plane perpendicular to the vector 1 1 1 that passes through the point.. uniformly distributed points within a portion of the hyperplane perpendicular to a hypercube's main diagonal Precalculate a..
Plotting implicit equations in 3d contour is plotted for z in B # plot contours in the XY plane X Y A1 A2 Z fn X Y z cset ax.contour X Y Z z z zdir 'z' # z.. for this value of z for y in B # plot contours in the XZ plane X Z A1 A2 Y fn X y Z cset ax.contour X Y y Z y zdir 'y' for.. X Y y Z y zdir 'y' for x in B # plot contours in the YZ plane Y Z A1 A2 X fn x Y Z cset ax.contour X x Y Z x zdir 'x' # must..
Relationship between scipy and numpy provide the mathematically valid answers in the complex plane import math from numpy.lib import scimath scimath.log math.exp..
spawning process from python neater to me to keep all of the spawning on that low level plane rather than mix some high level and some low level code in the..
writing robust (color and size invariant) circle detection with opencv (based on Hough transform or other features) If you knew the position of the circles on the plane and you wanted to detect the imaged circles you should remember..