php Programming Glossary: weak
Strategy for supporting unicode & multi language in PHP5 language support much easier. However PHP5 has pretty weak support for unicode and multi language i.e. just a bunch of..
Optimizing Kohana-based Websites for Speed and Scalability your application it often allows to find a couple of weak spots quite easily at least if there is any function that takes..
Secure login with proper authentication in PHP can read your database can still log in to accounts with weak passwords. The solution is that before a password is hashed..
Best way to encode passwords in PHP could be from leaving his computer unlocked or using a weak password. Regardless an unauthorized person has access to his..
Is it possible to protect from downloading a video from a site more complex. There's a whole industry built around these weak points google stream ripping to see for yourself . You can complicate..
What is the best way to insert HTML via PHP? in. You'll save yourself a lot of XSS headaches. Smarty is weak in this respect and because of this there are a lot of content..
What is correct HTTP status code when redirecting to a login page? entity headers. Otherwise i.e. the conditional GET used a weak validator the response MUST NOT include other entity headers..
What kinds of patterns could I enforce on the code to make it easier to translate to another programming language? I don't need a perfect translation is troublesome. What weak translators do is convert the easy 80 of the code leaving the..
Sorting an Array of Objects in PHP In a Specific Order user1 2 stdClass Object ID 6 user_login user6 I'm weak on data structures. How could I do this Thanks in advance for..
Get Nearest Places Google Maps (MySQL Spatial Data) the algorithm I need the PHP Code for algorithm itself. Im weak in mathematics php google maps geocoding geo share improve..
Is time() a good salt not have sysadmin training their passwords could be quite weak. Uniqueness is also temporal. Sometimes users change their password...
Portable (PHPass) password hashes. Should I use them? the future I may want to change servers but I don't want weak passwords either. Are portable password hashes a big risk And..
Algorithms for string similarities (better than Levenshtein, and similar_text)? Php, Js it seems to produce the results that I'm after... One weak spot is that when strings have different length it produces..
md5 hashing using password as salt? any passwords only hashes. However if any users have used weak passwords then their hashes will appear in rainbow tables. For.. your salt value. The attacker can calculate the hash of a weak password plus your salt and see if any user in your database.. your salt and see if any user in your database uses that weak password. If you've got several thousand users then each hash..
How can we create a fairly secure password hash in PHP? really understand. I have an old and presumably extremely weak password script that reads like this hash sha1 pass1 function..
is there a way to reverse a hash without rainbow tables? [duplicate] fast to be useful. However in password storage this is the weakness. With modern GPU's an attacker could brute force just try.. Note None of these will protect a user against a very weak password. If they enter a dictionary word or a common password..
Replacing mysql_* functions with PDO and prepared statements all safe In terms of database safety there are just no weak spots in this code. Nothing to secure here. for the displaying..