php Programming Glossary: webmaster
How can I scrape website content in PHP from a website that requires a cookie login? both to be recognizable we don't want to antagonize the webmaster but also to fool the server into sending us a specific version.. submitted will not be the one you see in the HTML code. A webmaster who wanted his site not scraped might send a hidden field with.. may also want to be on the lookout for form appearance . A webmaster could for example build a form asking name email and password..
How could I change this mysql to mysqli? Error has Occured. Please report following error to the webmaster. br br .mysql_error . ' center mysql_select_db DB 'dbName' end..
Opencart: Ajax json response unknown characters requires a ' Request a malware review ' with google webmaster tools I don't know if google will automatically rescan your.. I know if you can report your page as fixed without google webmaster tools so be warned if you don't want to give your cellphone..
How to create a sitemap using PHP & MySQL this on my site it works well and you can point Google's webmaster tools to this_file.php and it works wonders php header Content..