php Programming Glossary: watching
Secure files for download sanitation and validation on all input fields plus watching out for SQLInjections. Using an SSL connection. Turned off all..
How to properly set up a PDO connection extremely simplified example . You also might benefit from watching two following videos Global State and Singletons Don't Look..
Run a ffmpeg process in the background PHP script when it's finished doing it's job. For the user watching the web page saying processing it will seem like background..
How to load classes based on pretty URLs in MVC-like page? listed in this post . Think of it as mandatory reading watching list. You also might find somewhat beneficial these old posts..
Login without HTTPS, how to secure? attack goes into greater detail. I highly recommend watching Moxie Marlinspike's Blackhat 2009 talk. share improve this..
Scalable, Delayed PHP Processing writing what I think is the first PHP runloop. It handles watching the sockets and executing delayed PHP events. Hopefully when..
What is a “real” programming language? [closed] use them for and seemed to take great pleasure in watching most of the students who were on the whole new to programming..
What is the best way to handle this: large download via PHP + slow connection from client = script timeout before file is completely downloaded the CDN once they have the URL which could be gleaned by watching the HTTP headers . This isn't bad but it's not desired. Expand..
How to display youtube-like video player in website? and possibly note the time at which they last stopped watching a video. I.e if they stopped watching after 30 mins i'd like.. they last stopped watching a video. I.e if they stopped watching after 30 mins i'd like to start the video from 30 00 the next..
Prevent Video downloading [duplicate] under your control on screens you control and have someone watching the audience for video recording equipment. Nothing else is..
Swift Mailer Delivery Status own server for the SMTP service then you ALSO need to be watching your logs and queues as Marc B mentioned. One other example..
Having a single entry point to a website. Bad? Good? Non-issue? to a website. Bad Good Non issue This question stems from watching Rasmus Lerdorf's talk from Drupalcon . This question and his..
passing PHP objects to javascript object to a PHP object . You might find it useful by watching some other featured related videos. Hope this helps. share..
Bulk insert rowterminator issue Restaurant Pro Express smoe one is watching u some location Here is my SQL FILE to do the BULK insert USE.. Restaurant Pro Express smoe one is watching u some location I assume the problem is the ROWTERMINATOR but..
What's the best approach to sending email to hundreds of recipients from a Zend Framework application? want to tweak the number of emails you are sending by watching the logs for errors coming back from the actual sending process...
PHP MySQL Google Chart JSON - Complete Example Table googlechart weekly_task percentage Sleep 30 Watching Movie 10 job 40 Exercise 20 PHP MySQL JSON Google Chart Example.. example data Table Chart weekly_task percentage Sleep 30 Watching Movie 40 work 44 rows array flag is not needed flag true table.. Table googlechart weekly_task percentage Sleep 30 Watching Movie 10 job 40 Exercise 20 Your Database Name dbname 'chart'..
Sending/Displaying a base64 encoded Image That does not work for some reason. onerror always fires. Watching the FireBug Network task for instance tells me that I'm receiving..