php Programming Glossary: wamp
PHP CURL not working - WAMP on Windows 7 64 bit CURL not working WAMP on Windows 7 64 bit I got my wamp installed on my windows 7 64bit. cURL is not working still even.. cURL is not working still even i got it enable from the wamp tray. i have also uncommented extension php_curl.dll in php.ini.. message PHP Startup unable to load dynamic library 'c wamp bin php php5.4.3 ext php_curl.dll' the application has failed..
PHP file cannot enter some part of code mysql_select_db DB 'database' dbConnection file2 C wamp www file2.txt data2 ClientID . ClientID. TechID . TechID. SiteID.. ' . TechID. ' ORDER BY LogTime DESC LIMIT 1 file5 C wamp www file5.txt file_put_contents file5 query result2 mysql_query.. row1 mysql_fetch_array result1 count row1 'COUNT ' file3 C wamp www file3.txt data3 ClientID . ClientID. TechID . TechID. SiteID..
PHP (MySQL) error : “Warning: mysql_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be resource” [duplicate] expects parameter 1 to be resource boolean given in C wamp www a l forget.php on line 20 php mysql share improve this..
PHP: “Notice: Undefined variable” and “Notice: Undefined index” getting errors like Undefined variable user_location in C wamp www mypath index.php on line 12 Line 12 looks like this greeting..
Failed to connect to mailserver at “localhost” port 25 SMTP and smtp_port setting in php.ini or use ini_set in C wamp www dressoholic register.php on line 50 my php.ini looks like..
php mail() function on localhost SMTP and smtp_port setting in php.ini or use ini_set in F wamp www product ajax.php on line 64 I'm using WAMP server and if.. anyone knows solution please help me. php email localhost wampserver share improve this question You need to setup a mail..
PHP exec() as Background Process (Windows Wampserver Environment) is the trigger.php file that runs the exec command exec 'C wamp bin php php'.phpversion .' php.exe f C path to backgroundProcess.php.. .' php.exe f C path to backgroundProcess.php C wamp bin php php'.phpversion .' dev null ' Basically I'm wanting.. WshShell new COM WScript.Shell oExec WshShell Run C wamp bin php phpVERSIONNUMBER php win.exe f C wamp www path to backgroundProcess.php..
How to configure WAMP (localhost) to send email using Gmail? so I can use the mail function Thanks php gmail localhost wamp share improve this question Gmail servers use SMTP Authentication..
PHP: Warning: sort() expects parameter 1 to be array, resource given [duplicate] sort expects parameter 1 to be array resource given in C wamp www Copy 4 of st_db_1 test_2.php on line 9 Warning Invalid argument.. line 9 Warning Invalid argument supplied for foreach in C wamp www Copy 4 of st_db_1 test_2.php on line 10 php mysql share..
Solution for “Fatal error: Maximum function nesting level of '100' reached, aborting!” in PHP function nesting level of '100' reached aborting in D wamp www crawler1 simplehtmldom_1_5 simple_html_dom.php on line 1355..
PHP CURL not working - WAMP on Windows 7 64 bit CURL not working WAMP on Windows 7 64 bit I got my wamp installed on my windows 7..
How to eliminate php5 Strict standards errors? Strict standards errors After upgrading my PHP to 5.4.3 WAMP server 2.2 my web app made in CakePHP 1.3 is showing the following..
Call to undefined function curl_init() error in wamp 2.2 on this thread Call to undefined function curl_init with WAMP My phpinfo looks like below. I have installed wamp in the partition..
Disable PHP in directory (including all sub-directories) with .htaccess Can this be done and how Thanks in advance. BTW I use WAMP server php apache .htaccess share improve this question ..
Magento upgrade takes too long and never completes in your own file system in any folder. Start the local WAMP XAMPP and create a test database œtest_something or any other.. from phpMyAdmin. Extract a fresh Magento v1.7.2.0 in local WAMP XAMPP and start installing this Magento using the test database.. a copy of the œapp etc local.xml Magento file of local WAMP XAMPP to replace the live Magento ™s œapp etc local.xml file...
MySQL PHP incompatibility here but I can't seem to figure this out. I'm running WAMP locally but connecting to a remote MySQL database. The local..
Sending emails with wamp emails with wamp I use the latest WAMP and i get this when i try to send emails Warning mail function.mail..
How can i put my WAMP online for someone to access? can i put my WAMP online for someone to access I would like to briefly open up.. interfaces to do this my wireless router windows7 WAMP php apache localhost wamp share improve this question This.. to forward HTTP to your local IP address Click on your WAMP icon and click again on Put Online Go to your remote IP you..
php mail() function on localhost in F wamp www product ajax.php on line 64 I'm using WAMP server and if anyone knows solution please help me. php email.. on Windows which I am guessing you are from your use of WAMP you can setup a Pegasus mail server . Other options include..
How to configure WAMP (localhost) to send email using Gmail? to configure WAMP localhost to send email using Gmail I want to use the mail.. I want to use the mail function from my localhost. I have WAMP installed and a Gmail account. I know that the SMTP for Gmail.. is 465 more info from gmail . What I need to configure in WAMP so I can use the mail function Thanks php gmail localhost wamp..
supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource result resource I have developed a small CMS on my local WAMP machine. Once I have exported my project on to the hosting the..
RegExp in preg_match function returning browser error PHP 5.3.0 configured resuming normal operations Running WAMP 2.0 on Windows 7. php regex apache wamp connection reset .. version 5.3.4. Solution Assuming you will continue using WAMP 2.0 with PHP 5.3.0 the solution needs to take both of the above..
WAMP Server ERROR “Forbidden You don't have permission to access /phpmyadmin/ on this server.” Allow Allow from all Directory After this just restart Wamp php wamp share improve this question Go to C wamp alias..
How to enable curl in Wamp server to enable curl in Wamp server I try 30 combination of answer and forum topic but did..
Composer Warning: openssl extension is missing. How to enable in WAMP to install Composer dependency management tool on Win7 64 WampServer 2.2 via the Setup Installer and I am getting the following.. php with with openssl So here is what I did... From my Wamp icon in Tray clicked php php extensions php_openssl This showed.. placing a check mark beside the extension I then restarted WampServer Then from the Wamp icon in tray I clicked php php.ini..
In PHP with PDO, how to check the final SQL parametrized query? be done by updating the my.cnf or my.ini in my case with Wamp server and adding a line like log REPLACE_BY_PATH REPLACE_BY_FILE_NAME..
Sending emails with wamp etc. . 1. Download the sendmail zip and extract it to C Wamp bin sendmail for purposes of this example . 2. Edit C wamp bin.. C wamp bin sendmail sendmail.exe t 4. Restart Wampserver. You might have success using Gmail but there are a few..
PHP and CURL under Windows 7 64 bits and Apache maybe. I don't know anymore Any idea Update I'm not using Wamp because I like to know what I do to my system and ultimately..
Wamp Server: Multiple Virtual Hosts are not working on Windows Server Multiple Virtual Hosts are not working on Windows I..
How to enable memcache in WAMP to C wamp bin php php5.3.4 ext Restart Apache using Wamp controls Enable WAMP PHP PHP Extensios php_memcache share..
Installing Zend Debugger on Wamp/Windows Vista Zend Debugger on Wamp Windows Vista I'm trying to make Zend Debugger run on my Wamp.. Windows Vista I'm trying to make Zend Debugger run on my Wamp server on Windows Vista. Here are steps which I folowed Download..
WAMP Server not working Left click WAMP tray icon Restart All Services Now Wamp and Skype can co exist together hope this solves your problem..
PHP installation on windows
CodeIgniter PHP Apache 500 Internal Server Error service httpd restart in unix systems. You also use XAMPP Wamp UI to restart Apache in windows systems. Next create .htaccess..
How to debug PHP with netbeans and Xdebug got debugging working in netbeans My setup is Windows XP Wamp server 2.0 PHP 5 Netbeans 6.5.1 php debugging netbeans xdebug..
PHP messing with HTML Charset Encoding I put the html inside php and start it with Zend studio on Wamp with the charset iso 8859 1 encoding I get � instead of I..
http://localhost/ not working on Windows 7. What's the problem? this os and everything went great when I installed Wamp I saw that localhost is not working at all. I just see this.. server at localhost. in Mozilla and Explorer. I removed Wamp and after some weeks that means two weeks from today I installed..
Installing php_apc.dll on wampserver this question Read the tutorial How to install APC on Wamp . It seems you didnt add extention line in php.ini share improve..