php Programming Glossary: wb
executing php script from C program and store the results in to a variable close fd 5 Close write end of stderr. if in in fdopen fd 1 wb else close fd 1 if out out fdopen fd 2 rb else close fd 2 ..
Convert Base64 string to an image file? [closed] base64_string output_file ifp fopen output_file wb fwrite ifp base64_decode base64_string fclose ifp return output_file..
PHP code mkdir('images','0777') creates a folder with 411 permissions! Why? .rand 0 999999 zipName rand. _ . zipName fd fopen zipName wb out fwrite fd createZipFile getZippedfile fclose fd createZipFile..
Open com port in php I use this function to open a modem com port fp fopen COM3 wb if fp echo Not open else echo Open And every time I get a error..
fwrite() and UTF8 php function writeStringToFile file string f fopen file wb file xEF xBB xBF . file this is what makes the magic fputs f..
uploading a file in chunks using html5 error_log target_path Open temp file out fopen target_file wb if out Read binary input stream and append it to temp file in..
Handling plupload's chunked uploads on the server-side othewise we append... out_fp fopen tmp_filename chunk 0 wb ab The file we are reading from... uploaded_file _FILES 'file'..
PHP Create and Save a txt file to root directory is the code content some text here fp fopen myText.txt wb fwrite fp content fclose fp How can I set it to save on the..