php Programming Glossary: webapp
php soap client for uk mail webservice api? soap http 2003 05 soap envelope xmlns thir http webapp cl.internet ThirdPartyIntegrationService soap Header.. soap Body ConsignmentTrackingSearchV1Response xmlns http webapp cl.internet ThirdPartyIntegrationService ConsignmentTrackingSearchV1Result..
How to get email and their attachments from PHP their attachments from PHP I'm writing a photo gallery webapp for a friend's wedding and they want a photo gallery for guests..
What technology (asp, php, joomla, rails, grails…) for a website from scratch? are already some hosting that ease the deployment of Rails webapp. And regarding performance Rails is still slower compared to..
Uniquely identify one computer identify itself to the server so the server knows when the webapp is being accessed from that machine The computer is running..
Add “.active” class to the current page's link in a menu using jQuery or PHP [closed] on localhost here are few example URLs http localhost webapp index.php task validate http localhost webapp index.php task.. localhost webapp index.php task validate http localhost webapp index.php task register and the structure of the menu div class..
How is MVC supposed to work in CodeIgniter design patterns and such. I'm writing a labor management webapp using CodeIgniter. I did a bit of MVC ASP.NET C# and Java at..
Accented characters stored in MySQL database characters stored in MySQL database I have a webapp that stores French text which potentially includes accented..
PDO try-catch usage in functions functions I'm thinking of using PDO in all of my future webapp. Currently using what I've learned from SO so far what I have..
What is the JSP equivalent to json_encode ( in PHP )? in Java available which you can implement in your webapp the popular ones being under each Jackson and Google..
PHP mail using Gmail mail using Gmail In my PHP webapp I want to be notified via email whenever certain errors occur...
How to handle user input of invalid UTF-8 characters? to handle invalid UTF 8 input from users. Even though my webapp uses UTF 8 somehow some users enter invalid characters. This..
How-to: Ranking Search Results to Ranking Search Results I have a webapp development problem that I've developed one solution for but..
What does mysql_real_escape_string() do that addslashes() doesn't? the superior alternative of parameterized queries is a webapp that uses addslashes exclusively still vulnerable to SQL injection..
Long Polling/HTTP Streaming General Questions video files in the background. We should obviously have a webapp with the UI to upload a movie and some fixed number of worker.. to collect and deliver video conversion tasks from the webapp to our workers. When the worker spawns it connects to the MQ.. for a new tasks. When someone uploads a video file the webapp connects to the MQ and publishes a message with a new job. Powerful..
Session data lost in Chrome only session or anything related to that I've got 11 years in webapp dev all is done fine. In all browsers I can var_dump _SESSION..
Run PHP Task Asynchronously queuing on a single host you would simply have your webapp push something to a queue that a continuously running console..