php Programming Glossary: we've
How foreach actually works relies on the array pointer of the source array. But we've just proved that we're not working with the source array right..
Optimizing Kohana-based Websites for Speed and Scalability visualisation of data. On the SQL side of things Now that we've spoken a bit about PHP note that it is more than possible that..
Mechanisms for tracking DB schema changes [closed] changes Our team uses Subversion for version control and we've been able to automate some of our tasks this way pushing builds..
Is SQL injection a risk today? [duplicate] still very very important... No reason to feel bad though we've all been there and my unknowing ass has been saved by magic..
mod_rewrite to remove .php but still serve the .php file? ^www .mysite .com NC ## Don't perform this rule if we've already been redirected internally RewriteCond QUERY_STRING.. 1' identifier so that our first ## RewriteRule knows we've already redirected once. RewriteRule ^ . 1.php internal 1 L..
Tell bots apart from human visitors for stats? way that I can't see as a user. If that gets followed we've got a bot. Bots will often though not always respect robots.txt...
Codeigniter Routes regex - using dashes in controller/method names this directory '' return array return segments If we've gotten this far it means that the URI does not correlate to..
Strange echo, print behaviour in PHP? '2' . '3' . '1' Then the left print gets evaluated so we've now printed '4523' leaving us with echo '1' . '1' . '1' Success... '1' Then the next print statement is evaluated which means we've now printed '4321' leaving us with echo '1' Thus 43211 . I would..
Doctrine2: Best way to handle many-to-many with extra columns in reference table many to many relations in Doctrine2. Let's assume that we've got an album like Master of Puppets by Metallica with several..
How to read large worksheets from large Excel files (27MB+) with PHPExcel? Tell the Reader that we want to use the Read Filter that we've Instantiated objReader setReadFilter chunkFilter Loop to read..
PHPExcel runs out of 256, 512 and also 1024MB of RAM Tell the Reader that we want to use the Read Filter that we've Instantiated objReader setReadFilter filterSubset Load only.. Tell the Reader that we want to use the Read Filter that we've Instantiated objReader setReadFilter chunkFilter Loop to read..
CakePHP ACL Database Setup: ARO / ACO structure? in terms of actual implementation details. A system that we've used with some success in a number of CakePHP based projects..
How to create a simple 'Hello World' module in Magento? you'd have some kind of redirect going on here What we've just setup is the module frontName controller. This is NOT the..
What encryption algorithm is best for encrypting cookies? can of course all be verified server side... Seems like we've gotten a little off topic of your original specific question..
Simple example to post to a Facebook fan page via PHP? defining the page access token and the page id that we've get in the 1st step php page_access_token 'XXXXXXX' page_id..
How to create a random string using PHP? num_valid_chars strlen valid_chars repeat the steps until we've created a string of the right length for i 0 i length i pick..
PHP: How do you determine every Nth iteration of a loop? feed Set the counter for counting how many items we've displayed. counter 0 Start the loop to display each item. foreach..
Adding extra search text to a MediaWiki search query using InputBox the platform text and the text entered in the search box. We've tried putting these pages into categories but we did this using..
What does it mean to escape a string? and we wanted to select that SELECT select FROM myTable We've now introduced some ambiguity into our query. Within our query..
PHP: Real world OOP example example instead try to understand what's happening here. We've created two class trees where one DirectoryRenderer uses the..
IE10 sharing cookies across subdomains by default observed was that no one could log out of the subdomain. We've observed a few things Even though it shares the value no subdomain..
How can I create a new Joomla user account from within a script? to create new accounts for their users on our website. We've created a standalone PHP script that processes and validates..
Replace duplicate values in array with new randomly generated values imagine your constraints are a total of 12 with 4 numbers. We've established that f 4 10. But what if the first lowest number..
Mark text in HTML strs i .length if toend l n l n return i n ix l return i 0 We've used a few ECMAScript Fifth Edition Array features. Make them..
Installing ImageMagick extension with php/windows itself is installed but php won't load the extension. We've spent hours trying to get the extension installed. It just won't..
Recursive categories with a single query? in tree with the children in the respective children slot. We've done this with fairly large trees 1000 items and it's very stable..
GPL sources include in commercial PHP web-service application sources include in commercial PHP web service application We've got a dispute with one of my friends. He maintains a commercial..
Xdebug And Netbeans Problem hit a port conflict with something else. One last thing... We've been assuming that you are running NetBeans and the web server..
What is the PHP shorthand for: print var if var exist is the PHP shorthand for print var if var exist We've all encountered it before needing to print a variable in an..
Design considerations for internationalization verify translated assets and the completed software. We've had some very good and very bad translations depending on the..
Converting fractions to html entities fractions to html entities We've got some fraction information stored in the database e.g. ¾..
PHP & mySQL - ë written as ë [duplicate] Possible Duplicate PHP messing with HTML Charset Encoding We've come across special characters being transformed. What is causing..
Where do I start with Zend Framework? [closed] help php zend framework share improve this question We've all been there before Zend Framework is a pretty powerful MVC..