php Programming Glossary: we'll
How foreach actually works same situation as above. Another small variation this time we'll assign the array to another variable foo array foreach array..
LSA - Latent Semantic Analysis - How to code it in PHP? the rank of the new basis which was min d w before and we'll now approximate with ii . here ' prime not transpose We create..
How to evaluate formula passed as string in PHP? the argument count stack push ' ' put the back on we'll need to pop back to it again index expecting_op false elseif..
PHP Remove URL from string If I have a string that contains a url for examples sake we'll call it url such as url Here is a funny site http
Algorithm to get all possible string combinations from array up to certain length number equal to the base rather than represent it as 10 we'll represent it as the base digit e.g. 6 rather than 10 in base..
Reading very large files in PHP shouldn't I have no problems with a 6 meg file Eventually we'll want to read in files that are around 100 megs and it would..
What is better in a foreach loop… using the & symbol or reassigning based on key? null null null null 5 null null null 8 To counter this we'll either have to create a temporary variable or call the function..
codeigniter multiple file upload destination To deal with different server configurations we'll attempt to use copy first. If that fails we'll use move_uploaded_file.. we'll attempt to use copy first. If that fails we'll use move_uploaded_file . One of the two should reliably work..
Good tutorial on how to update your Mysql database with a PHP form? [closed] value mysql_real_escape_string _POST value The next thing we'll want to do is place these in a query sql UPDATE mytable SET..
Escaping MySQL wild cards using the LIKE ... ESCAPE ... construct. For sanity we'll choose something other than the damn backslash function like..
Why don't PHP attributes allow functions? code sample makes a good candidate for this process so we'll be using that class Foo public path array realpath . As you're..
How to create a simple 'Hello World' module in Magento? the application cache Now that the module file is in place we'll need to let Magento know about it and check our work . In the.. aren't showing up. Setup the directory structure Next we'll need to setup a directory structure for the module. You won't..
how can convert $files contain to array? destination To deal with different server configurations we'll attempt to use copy first. If that fails we'll use move_uploaded_file.. we'll attempt to use copy first. If that fails we'll use move_uploaded_file . One of the two should reliably work..
PHP “pretty print” HTML (not Tidy) p body html php this will be called implicitly but we'll call it manually to illustrate the point. ob_end_flush result..
Simple example to post to a Facebook fan page via PHP? '. page_id.' feed' And the last step we'll use a curl to post our message in our page wall ch curl_init..
PHP Foreach Pass by Reference: Last Element Duplicating? (Bug?) loop. Debugging the Output For each iteration of the loop we'll echo the value of item as well as recursively print the array..
How can I easily convert dates from UTC via PHP? expects MySQL format If it gets a fully numeric value we'll assume it's a timestamp You can comment out this if block if..
Saving JSON string to MySQL database failed php mysql xampp share improve this question We'll use json_decode json_decode documentation Also be sure to escape..
Algorithm to get all possible string combinations from array up to certain length in this case still 6 not 7 without using the digit zero. We'll represent the numbers from 1 to base 1 as normal 1 2 3 ... but..
close a connection early or is this something I need to do in JQuery php echo We'll email you as soon as this is done. header Connection Close do..
Turn Plain Text URLs into Active Links using PHP [closed] try to explain how it should be done by various methods. We'll start first with how regex works and how it is used. Regex Regular..
How can I port a legacy Java/J2EE website to a modern scripting language (PHP,Python/Django, etc)? works. It makes a big job more complex than necessary. We'll use Django as the example framework. You'll have templates view..
PHP mailer multiple address [duplicate] try again Later. else msg Your Message has been sent. We'll keep in touch with you soon. The Problem if email value is..
Force file download in php in database. php share improve this question php We'll be outputting a PDF header 'Content type application pdf' It..
Is there a way to force the user to download a file from a href link rather than to open it in a browser window? but here's an example using php taken off of php We'll be outputting a PDF header 'Content type application pdf' It..
How download big file using PHP (low memory usage) request Now read the headers from the remote server. We'll need to get the content length. headers array while feof i_handle..
Upload a file using file_get_contents file from a form you will usually have a form field name. We'll define it equivalent to input type file name uploaded_file define..
Calculating rank in PHP/MySQL # the new ranked table into your leaderboards table. # We'll use MySQL's CREATE TABLE...SELECT syntax to select our resultset..
Regex - Greedyness - matching HTML tags, content and attributes regex greedy regex greedy share improve this question We'll never reapeat it again do not use regular expressions to work..
phpexcel to download type that file is and how it should be named the filename We'll be outputting an excel file header 'Content type application..
Progress bar with PHP & Ajax do something more like this script type text javascript We'll set this to true when the initail POST request is complete so..
Can SimplePie grab images from feeds location of require_once '' We'll process this feed with all of the default options. feed new..
open download dialog with php share improve this question Content Disposition header.. We'll be outputting a PDF header 'Content type application pdf' It..