php Programming Glossary: w3c's
Allow user submitted HTML in PHP
PHP DOMDocument - get html source of BODY only achievable with a comprehensive knowledge of W3C's specifications. And if you try your portion of code div p Hello..
Robust and Mature HTML Parser for PHP [duplicate] the DOM API with PHP 5. It is an implementation of the W3C's Document Object Model Core Level 3 a platform and language neutral..
How to close unclosed HTMl Tags?
How do you parse and process HTML/XML in PHP? the DOM API with PHP 5. It is an implementation of the W3C's Document Object Model Core Level 3 a platform and language neutral..
How to parse HTML with PHP? [duplicate] the DOM API with PHP 5. It is an implementation of the W3C's Document Object Model Core Level 3 a platform and language neutral..
DOMDocument::validate() problem For instance providing a UserAgent will get around the W3C's blocking. You could also add proxy this way. See libxml_set_streams_context..