php Programming Glossary: tpl
Authentication on google: OAuth2 keeps returning 'invalid_grant' Parse @return void private function parse this tpl assign 'events' this events this tpl assign 'authUrl' this authUrl.. function parse this tpl assign 'events' this events this tpl assign 'authUrl' this authUrl When I open this widget page..
how i can add watermark to existing pdf file using php . file pagecount pdf setSourceFile file else return FALSE tpl pdf importPage 1 pdf addPage pdf useTemplate tpl 1 1 0 0 TRUE.. FALSE tpl pdf importPage 1 pdf addPage pdf useTemplate tpl 1 1 0 0 TRUE Put the watermark pdf Image name.'.png' xxx yyy..
how to use Jquery AJAX in Joomla Components? extends JView Default display function function display tpl null testController new TestController Make an object of Main.. 'test' userName JRequest getVar 'username' parent display tpl but when i run this code...why http localhost Joomla includes..
Using Template on PHP Links to friend sites etc and then call a template tpl links.php include template.php where template.php is your main.. My site. pagetitle title head body div id page include tpl div body html and links.php is the actual page template h2 pagetitle.. SET NAMES 'utf8' or trigger_error mysql_error E_USER_ERROR tpl default.php pagetitle function dbgetarr a array args func_get_args..
Using PHP include to separate site content Links to friend sites etc and then call a template tpl links.tpl.php include template.php .2. template.php which is.. to friend sites etc and then call a template tpl links.tpl.php include template.php .2. template.php which is your main.. My site. pagetitle title head body div id page include tpl div body html .3. and finally links.tpl.php is the actual page..
How to get the exact modified PDF using FPDF/FPDI? Completed.pdf Import the first page of the file tpl pdf importPage 1 Use this page as template use the imported.. it at point 20 30 with a width of 170 mm pdf useTemplate tpl 20 30 170 #Print Hello World at the bottom of the page Select.. php pdf fpdf fpdi share improve this question its fpdf_tpl.php file needed to be updated with new download share improve..
replace tags with PHP variables using preg_match new . php tags replace share improve this question tpl 'Name name Surname surname City ' function.. name Surname surname City ' function tpl2php m var m 1 if strpos var '.' varArr explode '.' var var varArr.. ' . var . ' ' php preg_replace_callback ' _a z w . w iS' 'tpl2php' tpl Name php echo name Surname php echo surname City php..
Smarty (and other tpl ngins): assign and assign_by_ref and other tpl ngins assign and assign_by_ref This is not just about Smarty.. a big array from you Controller a to your template engine tpl vars 'a' and to use in the view extract to a Did PHP's memory.. fine if the variable changes within the templat engine tpl vars 'a' . Is assigning all vars by reference better for memory..
Using PHP code in Smarty tpl FIle PHP code in Smarty tpl FIle I am new to smarty and I want to use php code in template.. to smarty and I want to use php code in template file i e tpl file. I have seen the documentation and searched on google but..