php Programming Glossary: toolkit
is the mime type detection the best way to detect a kind of file? manual en features.file method.php Webmaster Toolkit Mime Types http www.webmaster mime types.shtml FILExt..
REST vs. RPC [closed] I need is a database query executer. I'm using the Dojo Toolkit and JSON. Why should I choose REST over RPC or RPC over REST..
How to Integrate Blue Imp File Upload to CakePHP? And your element should looks like it Bootstrap CSS Toolkit styles php echo this Html css 'fileuploads bootstrap.min' Bootstrap..
How to create thumbnails or preview for videos? formats in PHP. There's also a wrapper called PHP Video Toolkit you can find it here http projects phpvideotoolkit..
What kinds of patterns could I enforce on the code to make it easier to translate to another programming language? I've been building tools DMS Software Reengineering Toolkit to do general purpose program manipulation with language translation..
Compiling an AST back to source code been generated correctly. Our DMS Software Reengineering Toolkit uses this approach to prettyprint all the languages it can parse..
Connect to Sharepoint Database through PHP You will also need the Camelot SharePoint Integration Toolkit http and the Camelot .NET Connector.. as the SharePoint server then install the Integration Toolkit on the same server as the Connector. Set up the integration..
Filling PDF Forms with PHP [closed] it I recommend the command line tool called pdftk PDF Toolkit . See http pdftk You can call the command..
Reading a File's Metadata question While I have not used this myself the XMP PHP Toolkit on sourceforge sounds like just what you might be looking for.. and hasn't been updated in over a year it appears. XMP Toolkit PHP Extension is a PHP module which includes the Adobe XMP Toolkit.. PHP Extension is a PHP module which includes the Adobe XMP Toolkit SDK. This PHP5 extension will provide classes and methods to..
Getting exif data from php trac browser trunk zp core exif PHP JPEG Metadata toolkit http electronics pjmt index.html PEL PHP Exif..
Best to use Private methods or Protected methods? you really need to. The exception would be a library or toolkit where you'll expect users to want to extend in the general sense..
How can I change the page URL without refreshing the page? and falls back to Hashchange on older browsers. dojo toolkit Dojo saves you time and scales with your development process.. process using web standards as its platform. It ™s the toolkit experienced developers turn to for building high quality desktop..
PHP translation frontend similar to Rosetta? will work and it is flawed. Translators work with a toolkit called TMX Translation Memory Exchange generic name see Okapi..
Connect to Sharepoint Database through PHP the Camelot SharePoint Integration Toolkit http and the Camelot .NET Connector http integration service that is included in the integration toolkit follow the instructions and then you are done. There are a few..
Looping through a SimpleXML object, or turning the whole thing into an array to iterate though a returned SimpleXML object. I'm using a toolkit called Tarzan AWS which connects to Amazon Web Services SimpleDB..