php Programming Glossary: total_rows
Always show Previous & Next links using CodeIgniter Pagination Class base_url '' public prefix '' public suffix '' public total_rows 0 public per_page 10 public num_links 2 public cur_page 0 public.. page total is zero there is no need to continue. if this total_rows 0 OR this per_page 0 return '' Calculate the total number.. the total number of pages num_pages int ceil this total_rows this per_page Is there only one page Hm... nothing more to do..
Creating multiple pages from sql query mysql_error . in . sql row mysql_fetch_row res total_rows row 0 let's get page number from the query string if isset _GET.. pages number and fill an array of links num_pages ceil total_rows per_page for i 1 i num_pages i PAGES i uri.'page '. i and finally.. and finally starting output in the template. Found rows b total_rows b br br foreach DATA as i row i . a href id row 'id' row 'title'..
CodeIgniter 2.0.3 Pagination Class starting page base_url 'language '. this uri segment 2 config 'total_rows' page_count config 'per_page' 1 config 'num_links' '2' config.. class. NOTE in your sample code you put total pages in the total_rows config value. Be sure to put the total number of records not.. page total is zero there is no need to continue. if this total_rows 0 OR this per_page 0 return '' Calculate the total number of..