php Programming Glossary: tools
Profiling PHP code very long time to load objectively. Are there any pre made tools that allow for this or am I stuck using microtime and building..
How to extract img src, title and alt from html using php? you want to deal with regexps it handy to have good tools to quickly test them. Check this online regexp tester . EDIT..
Cannot connect to MySQL 4.1+ using old authentication care of those as well . Either use the user managements tools of the MySQL front end if there are any or SET PASSWORD FOR..
Tools for PHP code refactoring for PHP code refactoring Are there any tools which support refactoring PHP code renaming variables extracting..
Robust and Mature HTML Parser for PHP [duplicate] extension provides a very simple and easily usable toolset to convert XML to an object that can be processed with normal.. Command Line Interface CLI . Zend_Dom Zend_Dom provides tools for working with DOM documents and structures. Currently we..
How can I create friendly URLs with .htaccess? just anything i want I have used some automatic web tools for creating the .htacces file but its not working correctly...
What kinds of patterns could I enforce on the code to make it easier to translate to another programming language? share improve this question I've been building tools DMS Software Reengineering Toolkit to do general purpose program.. Amazingly there are people that distrust automated tools and insist on translating million line systems by hand that's.. energy to build a working robust translator even with good tools. While it seems sexy and cool to build a translator instead..
Code Coverage tools for PHP [closed] Coverage tools for PHP closed Is there any code coverage tool available for..
How do you parse and process HTML/XML in PHP? extension provides a very simple and easily usable toolset to convert XML to an object that can be processed with normal.. Command Line Interface CLI . Zend_Dom Zend_Dom provides tools for working with DOM documents and structures. Currently we..
How to parse HTML with PHP? [duplicate] extension provides a very simple and easily usable toolset to convert XML to an object that can be processed with normal.. Command Line Interface CLI . Zend_Dom Zend_Dom provides tools for working with DOM documents and structures. Currently we..
Stop people uploading malicious PHP files via forms expect the leading . would be discarded that's what other tools that have suffered the same vulnerability have done. But I still..
What is the best way to stop people hacking the PHP-based highscore table of a Flash game headers but I understand there are more advanced hacking tools as well like CheatEngine thanks Mark Webster php actionscript..
Website screenshots using PHP but working usage example on linux with php5 cli and the tools mentioned above. EDIT i noticed now that the wkhtmltopdf team..
Headers already sent by PHP back in. Correction utilities Actually there are automated tools to rewrite text files. For PHP specifically there is the phptags..
How to post JSON to PHP with curl up as an empty array. curl i X POST d ' screencast subject tools ' http localhost 3570 index.php trainingServer screencast.json..
How to get useful error messages in PHP? Java does Can anyone recommend good PHP debugging tips tools and techniques php debugging error handling share improve..
Diagnosing Memory Leaks - Allowed memory size of # bytes exhausted is hiding in global scope somewhere in user or Task . What tools PHP tricks or debugging voodoo can help me find and fix the..
PHP 5.4 PDO could not connect to MySQL 4.1+ using the old insecure authentication 0 wasn't working in phpMyAdmin. I downloaded the MySQL GUI Tools and used the MySQL Query Browser to execute the same command..
How can I scrape website content in PHP from a website that requires a cookie login? content being posted with Firebug or Chrome with Chrome Tools some sites will try and populate modify hidden fields with Javascript..
How do I check if a video exists on YouTube, using PHP? some HTML page. For more informations YouTube APIs and Tools Developer's Guide PHP The Retrieving a specific video entry..
How can I get jQuery code completion in NetBeans? netbeans share improve this question First go to Tools Options Miscellaneous and click on the Javascript tab make sure..
Tools for PHP code refactoring for PHP code refactoring Are there any tools which support..
Tools to visually analyze memory usage of a PHP app to visually analyze memory usage of a PHP app Is there anything..
PHP Twitter API - How to pull in multiple users tweets? OR from 3anpratc The query is URLEncoded so use Fiddler Tools Text Encode Decode or your favorite tool to see that the correct..
WAMP Server not working to use another port by doing the following In Skype go to Tools Options Advanced Connection uncheck the option Use port 80 and..
php write to console in in active development which extends the Developer Tools by adding a new panel to provide useful debugging and profiling..
How do I enable XAMPP to locally use the php's mail() function so I can test my mail() scripts locally without having to upload to my server? 4. Installed Thunderbird 3 5. In Thunderbird a. click on Tools Account Settings b. In Account Settings i. click on Account..
Xdebug And Netbeans Problem bar is cycling then you are indeed not connected. Open Tools Options and go to the PHP page. On the general tab make sure..
Cached, PHP generated Thumbnails load slow: How to find problem/solution from Waterfall graphs? Site Perf Waterfall http site Pingdom Tools Waterfall http GTmetrix Waterfall http
Doctrine 2.0.4 Configuration Error? [closed] ORM Configuration Doctrine ORM EntityManager Doctrine ORM Tools EntityGenerator Doctrine Common Cache ApcCache Entities User.. setMetadataDriverImpl driver cmf new Doctrine ORM Tools DisconnectedClassMetadataFactory em cmf setEntityManager em..
Can I dynamically create subdomains (PHP, .htaccess) with GoDaddy Hosting? the following Logged into GoDaddy Domain Manager. Went to Tools DNS Manager. Opened the Zone File Editor for my domain. Added..
Dynamic PayPal button generation - isn't it very unsecure? your HTML code via Right Click View Source or browsers Tools like Fire Bug. Here is an example in jQuery I usually program..
Design considerations for internationalization one possible translation but not the one you meant. Tools such as Babelfish translate without understanding the context..
Connect to Sharepoint Database through PHP this question You should consider using the Camelot PHP Tools for SharePoint it's a well documented php framework for the..
forget password page, creating a generated password to email to the user. Thanks for the help. To change this template choose Tools Templates and open the template in the editor. DOCTYPE html..
Access from PHP to .mdb file on Ubuntu ODBC driver for work with Access. I've tried to use MDB Tools but seems it works only for reading. Maybe somebody can suggest..