php Programming Glossary: track
Replace URLs in text with HTML links bugs and enhancement requests using the Bitbucket issue tracker . They're easier to keep track of that way and don't clutter.. using the Bitbucket issue tracker . They're easier to keep track of that way and don't clutter the comment area . Here's my take..
How can an SQL query return data from multiple tables concept of a small caryard which has a database to keep track of what cars it has available. The owner has hired you as his..
Mysqli update throwing Call to a member function bind_param() error Most likely it's a problem with the query. So we need to track that error down. Mysqli won't tell you what's going on unless..
Reference: What is variable scope, which variables are accessible from where and what are “undefined variable” errors? be stepping all over your variables with no real way to track what changes what. There are only so many sensible names you..
Doctrine2: Best way to handle many-to-many with extra columns in reference table an album like Master of Puppets by Metallica with several tracks. But please note the fact that one track might appears in more.. with several tracks. But please note the fact that one track might appears in more that one album like Battery by Metallica.. Battery by Metallica does three albums are featuring this track. So what I need is many to many relationship between albums..
PHP Session Fixation / Hijacking if you are using a custom session handler that you keep track of the identifier that you open and if it's not the same one..
How do I expire a PHP session after 30 minutes? file based session handler your filesystem must keep track of access times atime . Windows FAT does not so you will have.. with a FAT filesystem or any other filesystem where atime tracking is not available. Since PHP 4.2.3 it has used mtime modified.. So you won't have problems with filesystems where atime tracking is not available. So it additionally might occur that a session..
How should a model be structured in MVC? both the View object and Controller object and keeps track of initialized services. Also you might notice the anonymous..
Doctrine2: Best way to handle many-to-many with extra columns in reference table id @Column protected title @OneToMany targetEntity AlbumTrackReference mappedBy album protected tracklist public function.. function getTitle return this title public function getTracklist return this tracklist toArray @Entity class Track @Id @Column.. getTracklist return this tracklist toArray @Entity class Track @Id @Column type integer protected id @Column protected title..
How to generate XML file dynamically using PHP? 1.0 encoding UTF 8 xml track path song1.mp3 path title Track 1 Track Title title track track path song2.mp3 path title Track.. encoding UTF 8 xml track path song1.mp3 path title Track 1 Track Title title track track path song2.mp3 path title Track 2 Track.. 1 Track Title title track track path song2.mp3 path title Track 2 Track Title title track track path song3.mp3 path title Track..