php Programming Glossary: top.location.href
facebook chat api - php . app_id . redirect_uri . urlencode my_url echo script top.location.href ' . dialog_url . ' script token_url https
CSRF state token does not match one provided [duplicate] if user_id _SESSION 'user_id' user_id echo script top.location.href 'https app folder welcome' script exit . . body.. getUser if user_id _SESSION 'user_id' user_id echo script top.location.href 'https app folder welcome' script exit else..
Facebook php post to fan page with cronjob? . scope publish_stream read_friendlists email echo script top.location.href ' . dialog_url . ' script if _SESSION 'state' _SESSION 'state'..
Facebook XMPP Chat API send Message PHP . app_id . redirect_uri . urlencode my_url echo script top.location.href ' . dialog_url . ' script token_url https
Restricting IFRAME access in PHP
How is annotation useful in PHP?
Facebook application refresh automatically if session echo script type 'text javascript' top.location.href ' loginUrl' script exit else try uid facebook getUser fbme facebook.. FacebookApiException e echo script type 'text javascript' top.location.href ' loginUrl' script exit function d d return TRUE And my page's.. page's source in refresh is script type 'text javascript' top.location.href 'facebook login url..' script Always refreshs non stop. I looked..
Displaying Facebook in an Iframe on my website pages href top.location.href.toLowerCase for var i 0 i disallowed.length i if href.indexOf.. display none important u003c style u003ca href # onclick top.location.href window.location.href style display block important padding 10px..
need help on posting on user wall payload ' _' ' ' true if empty data user_id echo script top.location.href ' . auth_url . ' script else echo Welcome User . data user_id.. catch FacebookApiException e error_log e else echo script top.location.href ' . loginUrl . ' script Welcome to Stackoverflow share improve..
Facebook: php upload photo and post on wall read_friendlists' echo script type 'text javascript' top.location.href ' url' script end if session user else try uid facebook getUser..
How get facebook user ID from my application? 0 'req_perms' req_perms me null if session echo top.location.href ' loginUrl' exit else try uid facebook getUser me facebook api.. FacebookApiException e echo script type 'text javascript' top.location.href ' loginUrl' script exit So please help me to get the user id...
Posting to a Facebook Page as the Page (not a person) response_type token echo script type 'text javascript' top.location.href ' . url. ' script return page_access_token 2.After getting the..
Get User Id from Facebook in PHP catch FacebookApiException e user null else die ' script top.location.href '. facebook getLoginUrl .' script ' Take a look a the examples..
Asking for permission using new PHP SDK print ' script language javascript type text javascript top.location.href '. location .' script ' kill the code so nothing else will happen.. print ' script language javascript type text javascript top.location.href '. location .' script ' kill the code so nothing else will happen..