php Programming Glossary: tom
Having trouble getting my head around SOAP in PHP get me in the right direction would be hugely appreciated Tom Haigh suggested wrapping the values in another array which seems..
OOP (beneficial usage) way I assume as an example a BASKET to which its owner Tom having a certain ADDRESS NY can add ARTICLES Bike Car . Finally.. the information needed in this example php a new basket 'Tom' 'NY' a add_item Bike 1.99 a add_item Car 2.99 b new bill a..
mySQL “Rank in Highscore”-Query table points id name id points user_id 1 Tim 1 5 1 2 Tom 2 10 1 3 Marc 3 5 1 4 Tina 4 12 2 5 Lutz 5 2 2 6 7 1 7 40.. first to last id name sum_points 1 Tim 127 3 Marc 40 2 Tom 14 4 Tina 0 5 Lutz 0 Alright back to the question itself... be done using a single query just showing that for example Tom id 2 is ranked in place 3 Thanks alot php mysql share improve..
Switch character case, php characters in a string for example str Hello My Name is Tom After I run the code I get a result like this newstr hELLO mY..
Which is the best way to bi-directionally synchronize dynamic data in real time using mysql this time Server A in Location A Table Names ID NAME 1 Tom 2 Scott 3 John Server B in Location B Table Names ID NAME.. 3 John Server B in Location B Table Names ID NAME 1 Tom 2 Scott 3 Peter Expected Scenario Table Names ID NAME 1 Tom.. 2 Scott 3 Peter Expected Scenario Table Names ID NAME 1 Tom 2 Scott 3 Peter 4 John php mysql database synchronization..
Is it possible to have encryption with multiple private keys (PHP)? already implies. But I have the following scenario User Tom enters data that needs to be stored encrypted in a database... the data itself then this symmetric key is encrypted with Tom's key also symmetric key can be encrypted with Jim's and Bob's..
PHP: remove duplicate items in an array get this Array 0 Array RecipientID 3 RecipientScreenname Tom L RecipientFirstname Thomas RecipientEmail 1 Array.. 1 Array RecipientID 3 RecipientScreenname Tom L RecipientFirstname Thomas RecipientEmail 2 Array.. for Array 0 Array RecipientID 3 RecipientScreenname Tom L RecipientFirstname Thomas RecipientEmail Ideally..
PHP - Multiple uasort functions breaks sorting array that stores people. Array id93294 array Name Tom Anderson Birthday 03 17 1975 id29349 array Name Tom Anderson.. Name Tom Anderson Birthday 03 17 1975 id29349 array Name Tom Anderson Birthday 03 17 1975 Kind of like that except with..
Regular expression preg_quote symbols are not detected print infinite permutations of fuck in unicode aliases # # Tom Christiansen # Mon May 23 09 37 27 MDT 2011..
Is this the best approach to creating an audit trail? of that page. For example 02 04 09 21 49 Name changed from Tom to Chris . I'm doing this by storing the data in it's present..
Avoiding form resubmit in php when pressing f5
simplexml_load_file parse [@attributes] => Array 09 08T14 03 23Z updated 2011 09 08T14 11 49Z summary Tom will be giving a day long presentation in November in Johannesburg..
how to access PHP variables from within JavaScript? Client side script without using MySQL. e.g. i have name Tom How do i access this name variable in JavaScript Please show..
Remove item from array if it exists in a 'disallowed words' array in a 'disallowed words' array I have an array Array 0 tom 1 and 2 jerry And I also have a disallowed words array Array.. and then uses array_search to find any matches arr array 'tom' 'and' 'jerry' disallowed_words array 'and' 'or' 'if' foreach..
String contains any items in an array (case insensitive) in an array string 'My nAmE is Tom.' array array name tom if contains string array do something to say it contains Any.. is compiling string 'My nAmE is Tom.' array array name tom if 0 count array_intersect array_map 'strtolower' explode '..
mod_rewrite, php and the .htaccess file decide what to do with foo bar using _SERVER 'PATH_INFO' tom You only need to modify .htaccess the first time. All future..
MySQL recursive tree search from any point on the branch. Database id name parent 1 tom 0 2 bob 0 3 fred 1 4 tim 2 5 leo 4 6 sam 4 7 joe 6 8 jay 3 9.. 1 4 tim 2 5 leo 4 6 sam 4 7 joe 6 8 jay 3 9 jim 5 Tree tom fred jay bob tim sam joe leo jim For example If I search j from.. makes some queries easier. id name parent lft rght 1 tom 0 1 6 2 bob 0 7 18 3 fred 1 2 5 4 tim 2 8 17 5 leo 4 12 15 6..
Switch id numbers of two rows in MySql state my rows are 1 Peter 22 germany 2 mary 16 iceland 3 tom 29 france 4 michael 34 greece and then i would like to swap.. look like this 1 Peter 22 germany 3 mary 16 iceland 2 tom 29 france 4 michael 34 greece so that if i then ordered it by.. i then ordered it by id i would have 1 Peter 22 germany 2 tom 29 france 3 mary 16 iceland 4 michael 34 greece php mysql sql..
convert tab/space delimited lines into nested array Felis catus kitty kitty cat puss mouser alley cat tom tomcat gib Angora Angora cat Siamese cat Siamese blue point.. Felis catus kitty kitty cat puss mouser alley cat tom tomcat gib Angora Angora cat Siamese cat Siamese blue point Siamese.. Felis catus kitty kitty cat puss mouser alley cat tom tomcat gib Angora Angora cat Siamese cat Siamese blue point..