php Programming Glossary: tohtml
Load block outside Magento, and apply current template setTemplate 'checkout cart sidebar.phtml' echo block toHtml But I want and believe that it's possible a nicer approach... in the usual way. cart layout getBlock 'cart_sidebar' toHtml echo cart Please note that you must manually specify which layout..
Get error while editing Customers from back end in Magento Adminhtml Block Template.php 81 Mage_Core_Block_Template _toHtml #9 home wpfsl public_html app code core Mage Core Block Abstract.php.. Core Block Abstract.php 863 Mage_Adminhtml_Block_Template _toHtml #10 home wpfsl public_html app code core Mage Adminhtml Block.. Block Widget Tabs.php 303 Mage_Core_Block_Abstract toHtml #11 home wpfsl public_html app design adminhtml default default..
Magento - How do you return results of unlimited CMS Static blocks (with certain “Identifier”) to a CMS Page strong div div class block content php echo _block toHtml div The loop foreach collection as key value prints out this.. strong div div class block content php echo _block toHtml div php endif I think that on Magento Connect are some Testimonial..