php Programming Glossary: toarray
TableGateway with multiple FROM tables
Doctrine2: Best way to handle many-to-many with extra columns in reference table title public function getTracklist return this tracklist toArray @Entity class Track @Id @Column type integer protected id @Column..
How to read large worksheets from large Excel files (27MB+) with PHPExcel? at row '. startRow sheetData objPHPExcel getActiveSheet toArray null true true true var_dump sheetData echo ' hr ' debug_log.. 2 When I comment out sheetData objPHPExcel getActiveSheet toArray null true true true var_dump sheetData Then it parses at an.. per second is there anyway to increase the performance of toArray 2011 01 12 11 40 51 start 2011 01 12 11 40 59 reading chunk..
PHPExcel reader — help required object Have a look at the objPHPExcel getActiveSheet toArray method rather than looping through all the rwos and columns.. all the rwos and columns yourself. If you want to use toArray with the formatted argument though don't use objReader setReadDataOnly..
PHPExcel runs out of 256, 512 and also 1024MB of RAM something horribly wrong here function ReadXlsxTableIntoArray theFilePath require_once 'PHPExcel Classes PHPExcel.php' inputFileType.. up an array of cell data. You might want to look at the toArray method which is already built into PHPExcel and does this for..
Magento - load only configurable products
sort Magento collection AFTER load sort the collection. It is certainly possible to use the toArray fields function and then PHP array sorting functions either..
Serializing PHP object to JSON _index Mf_Data private int 0 Addendum 1 So this is the toArray function I've devised for the Mf_Data class public function.. I've devised for the Mf_Data class public function toArray array array this array_walk_recursive array function property.. key if property instanceof Mf_Data property property toArray return array However since the Mf_Data objects also have a..
How do I access this object property with a hyphenated name? from Zend_Config and will convert for you. public function toArray array array foreach this _data as key value if value instanceof.. as key value if value instanceof StdClass array key value toArray else array key value return array share improve this answer..