

php Programming Glossary: sortby

help on building a basic php search engine


hotel searchcat searchkeys sorting if this input get 'sortby' resultset this hotel sortdefault _GET 'sortby' if this input.. input get 'sortby' resultset this hotel sortdefault _GET 'sortby' if this input get 'keyword' this input get 'sortby' resultset.. _GET 'sortby' if this input get 'keyword' this input get 'sortby' resultset this hotel sortdefault _GET 'sortby' else resultset..

How to to sort a XML feed with SimpleXML


is on more than once on the same day would it be easier to sortby videoID can any help this what the object looks like 0 SimpleXMLElement..

Multiple sorts in an array


an addictional array specifying type order you could do sortBy array 'football' 'basket' foreach arr as key row type key array_search.. foreach arr as key row type key array_search row 'type' sortBy year key row 'year' array_multisort type SORT_ASC year SORT_ASC..

Render a variable during creation of anonymous PHP function


for asc and desc sorting. Is it possible to render the sortBy variable right away when the function is created but still have.. be able to dynamically pass in a key when creating these. sortBy 'some_key' descending sort 'desc' function x y if x 'data' sortBy.. 'some_key' descending sort 'desc' function x y if x 'data' sortBy y 'data' sortBy return 0 return x 'data' sortBy y 'data' sortBy..