php Programming Glossary: sortable
Highlight row when the checkbox is true index 'TypeID' width 350 hidden true align 'center' sortable false editable true edittype select editoptions value getTypeID.. true name 'Order1' index 'Order1' width 80 align 'center' sortable false editable true edittype textarea editoptions size 30 maxlength.. 30 name 'Order2' index 'Order2' width 80 align 'center' sortable false editable true edittype textarea editoptions size 30 maxlength..
Sort array by object property in PHP? Person var age function __construct age this age age this sortable sprintf 03d age public function __toString return this sortable.. sprintf 03d age public function __toString return this sortable srand 1 people array for x 0 x size x people new Person rand..
JQuery UI Saving Sortable List but this is the basic idea of it. I have a form with a sortable list embedded in it. form id itemlist ul id itemsort li id Item_1.. JQuery UI Loaded and the The Following code enables the sortable list function and posts the item ids and New sort order to a.. feature #itemsort .live 'hover' function #itemsort .sortable opacity .5 update function var neworder '#itemsort' .sortable..
Jquery sortable list won't serialize, why? sortable list won't serialize why I'm implementing a sortable list of.. sortable list won't serialize why I'm implementing a sortable list of images with jquery in a Zend Framework application... in a Zend Framework application. I just can't get the .sortable 'serialize' method to return more than an empty string. When..