php Programming Glossary: sophisticated
Check the language of string based on glyphs in PHP You could make that regular expression a bit more sophisticated if you want to but I don't think you really need to. The p escape..
How do I replace bad words with php? replacement of letters with numbers and so on. But how sophisticated you want it to be is up to you basically. share improve this..
PHP SOAP client that understands multi-part messages? be somewhat tricky though but worth a try. use a more sophisticated SOAP client library for PHP. The first and only one that comes..
How safe are PHP session variables? who can do a server level hack which requires much more sophisticated methods and usually some amount of privilege if your server..
PHP class def: Individual accessors/mutators or __set() with switch()? Are there any key differences I've overlooked Might a sophisticated IDE refuse to auto complete a member name outside the class..
PHP connecting to MediaWiki API and retrieve data process it in PHP I'm pretty sure there are other more sophisticated ways to parse XML files but whatever Main Page wikipedia . I..
Using a regular expression to validate an email address for primitive regular expressions although the more sophisticated grammatical patterns in Perl PCRE and PHP can all manage to..
When do you know it's time to rewrite an application code base is almost 20 000 lines of code it is a fairly sophisticated if narrow application . I'm struggling with whether or not to..
PHP-based LaTeX parser — where to begin? type of stuff. I've never attempted anything as seemingly sophisticated as translation from one language to another. I'm just dumb enough..
PHP add node to existing xml file and save desserts pies addChild pie pecan It can be much more sophisticated than this of course. But once you get the hang of it it's very..
MySQLi prepared statements error reporting doesn't make sense to go on you might want to use a more sophisticated mechanism than die but's it's only an example die 'prepare failed..
Is there a Cart/Catalog app out there that isnt a full site? has ZenCart and hates it says its far too complicated and sophisticated for her needs . Does such a thing exist Or what would be the..
Models in the Zend Framework controllers foo new User foo fetchAll but what about more sophisticated uses The Quickstart section of the documentation offers such..
Traverse the DOM tree removing nodes based on their type but I hope to get more sophisticated and analyse the node's attributes whether links address items..
Best means of licensing php software? [closed] and grabbing support contracts. Most end users are not sophisticated enough to know how to even copy the source and give it to someone.. source and give it to someone else. And if they are that sophisticated they probably can hunt down your license authentication methods..
Templates in JS? in every javascript developer's toolbox . jQuery's is more sophisticated though and probably more useful Update but now is deprecated..
What is the best way to stop people hacking the PHP-based highscore table of a Flash game less than the shortest real games ever played for a more sophisticated approach try quarantining high scores for game sessions that..
Detect clients with Proxy Servers via PHP Users who use putty portforwarding VPN or other more sophisticated methods are undetactable as they behave exactly like normal..
Symfony2: Echoing JSON From a Controller for Use in an ExtJS 4 Grid items repository findAll or you can use something more sophisticated items repository findPage request query get 'page' request query..