

php Programming Glossary: someone's

Preventing PHP Code from being Pirated


code is difficult even if the code is yours. When it's someone's else code is almost impossible unless engineered for that. And..

How to add scraped website data in database?


of one target IP domain is a great way to find yourself in someone's blocklist. Thus if you scrape do it slowly . I maintain a table..

Security of PHP script, embedded or otherwise


script Security holes aside this typically happens when someone's messing with the server or migrating the site across servers..

Calculating rank in PHP/MySQL


have to sort the whole table. Simply put you cannot know someone's rank in the table without knowing the other ranks in the table...

Limiting user login attempts in PHP


translate when you sign up for Gmail or leave a comment on someone's blog. Their purpose is to make sure that someone doesn't use..

Best means of licensing php software? [closed]


find that people will refer you to others. When you solve someone's problem chances are they know someone else with the problem..

safest way to create sessions in php


'user' . by checking empty _SESSION 'user' i can check if someone's still logged in or not. don't do this if you're storing user..

Case statement is not outputting correctly?


I just noticed that there's a gap in the logic what if someone's average is exactly 70 Using a cascading statement like a switch..

How best to get someone's 'rank' from a scores table with php and mysql without looping


best to get someone's 'rank' from a scores table with php and mysql without looping..