

php Programming Glossary: setusername

Symfony2 collection of Entities - how to add/remove assotiation with existing entities?


setAvoRoles roles Ustawiam pozosta e w a ciwo ci user setUsername avo_user 'username' user setEmail avo_user 'email' if request..

PHP Fatal error: 'Swift_TransportException' with message 'Failed to authenticate on SMTP server


Swift_SmtpTransport newInstance 'smtp.gmail.com' 465 'ssl' setUsername 'xxx@gmail.com' setPassword 'xxx' Create the Mailer using your..

Batch Send Email with SwiftMailer


Swift_SmtpTransport newInstance 'smtp.connection.com' 25 setUsername 'myUserName' setPassword 'myPassword' mailer registerPlugin..

Making $_SESSION available in controllers


'uid' false mapper this mapperFactory create 'user' user setUsername parameters 'login' user setPassword parameters 'pass' mapper..

Using php's swiftmailer with gmail


Swift_SmtpTransport newInstance 'smtp.gmail.com' 587 setUsername 'softrain.evaluaciones@gmail.com' setPassword 'softrain1234'.. Swift_SmtpTransport newInstance 'smtp.gmail.com' 587 setUsername 'softrain.evaluaciones@gmail.com' setPassword 'password' echo.. Swift_SmtpTransport newInstance 'smtp.gmail.com' 465 'ssl' setUsername this username setPassword this password this mailer Swift_Mailer..

trying to send mail using swift mailer, gmail smtp, php


Swift_SmtpTransport newInstance 'smtp.gmail.com' 465 setUsername 'me@ff.com' setPassword 'pass' mailer Swift_Mailer newInstance..

How can I implement a voting system on my site limiting votes to a single vote?


0 this setCreated created this setModified modified this setUsername username this setUrl url this setTitle title this setDescription.. value function getUsername return this username function setUsername value this username value function getUrl return this url function..

How should a model be structured in MVC?


'User' mapper this dataMapperFactory build 'User' account setUsername username mapper fetch account if account matchPassword password..

Symfony2 create own encoder for storing password


TestBundle Entity User Add a new User user new User user setUsername 'username' user setSalt uniqid mt_rand Unique salt for user..