php Programming Glossary: settitle
Exporting data from php to excel setCreator My company setLastModifiedBy John Doe setTitle Annual report setSubject Sales setDescription Annual sales..
Who should handle the conditions in complex queries, the data mapper or the service layer? of simple Domain Objects . category new Category category setTitle 'privacy' list new ArticleCollection list setCondition category..
Google Drive API - PHP Client Library - setting uploadType to resumable upload php Insert a file file new Google_DriveFile file setTitle 'My document' file setDescription 'A test document' file setMimeType.. chunkSizeBytes 1 1024 1024 file new Google_DriveFile file setTitle 'My document' file setDescription 'A test document' file setMimeType..
Upload video to Youtube using Youtube API V3 and PHP authenticated snippet new Google_VideoSnippet snippet setTitle My Demo title snippet setDescription My Demo descrition snippet.. getAccessToken snippet new Google_VideoSnippet snippet setTitle Test title snippet setDescription Test descrition snippet setTags..
Post large video to youtube via google php client api v3 to post the video. snippet new Google_VideoSnippet snippet setTitle Test title2 snippet setDescription Test descrition snippet setTags.. path to foo.mp4 snippet new Google_VideoSnippet snippet setTitle Test title2 snippet setDescription Test descrition snippet setTags..
How to upload LARGE files on YouTube path to foo.mp4 snippet new Google_VideoSnippet snippet setTitle Test title2 snippet setDescription Test descrition snippet setTags..
Decent RSS feed generator for PHP [closed] FeedWriter.php TestFeed new FeedWriter RSS2 TestFeed setTitle 'Testing Checking the RSS writer class' TestFeed setLink 'http.. result MYSQL_ASSOC newItem TestFeed createNewItem newItem setTitle row 'title' newItem setLink row 'link' newItem setDate row 'create_date'..
When will __destruct not be called in PHP? News news setUrl 'http test' news setHash 'http test' news setTitle 'http test' news setSummarize 'http test' news setAccountId..
How to generate an Excel document with multiple worksheets from PHP? 'A1' 'Something' Rename sheet objPHPExcel getActiveSheet setTitle 'Name of Sheet 1' Create a new worksheet after the default sheet.. 'More data' Rename 2nd sheet objPHPExcel getActiveSheet setTitle 'Second sheet' Redirect output to a client ™s web browser Excel5..
Problem with PHPExcel object objPHPExcel new PHPExcel objPHPExcel getActiveSheet setTitle 'List of Cities' Loop through the result set rowNumber 1 while.. object objPHPExcel new PHPExcel objPHPExcel getActiveSheet setTitle 'List of Cities' Loop through the result set rowNumber 1 while..
phpexcel to download B setAutoSize true objXLS getActiveSheet setTitle 'Test Stats' objXLS setActiveSheetIndex 0 objWriter PHPExcel_IOFactory..
Is there a built-in way to get all of the changed/updated fields in a Doctrine 2 entity Putting it together entity em find 'My Entity' 1 entity setTitle 'Changed Title ' uow em getUnitOfWork uow computeChangeSets..
Facebook killed Public RSS feeds; how to obtain a Facebook Page RSS with the new Timeline? other options like rss etc feed new FeedWriter ATOM feed setTitle 'Spree Table' set your title feed setLink 'http if isset entry message item feed createNewItem item setTitle entry from name item setDate entry updated_time item setDescription..