php Programming Glossary: set_magic_quotes_runtime
Is there a good implementation of partial file downloading in PHP? magic quotes otherwise file contents will be modified set_magic_quotes_runtime 0 do not send cache limiter header ini_set 'session.cache_limiter'..
mysql_real_escape_string() leaving slashes in MySQL magic_quotes_runtime turned on. You can turn it off with set_magic_quotes_runtime 0 . Please turn off magic_quotes_runtime and then change your..
PHP: Using simplexml to loop through all levels of an XML file
How can I replace the deprecated set_magic_quotes_runtime in php? can I replace the deprecated set_magic_quotes_runtime in php I'm getting this message when I try to run a php script.. I have to use but did not write. Deprecated Function set_magic_quotes_runtime is deprecated in opt lampp htdocs webEchange SiteWeb_V5 inc.. SiteWeb_V5 inc fpdf.php on line 1810 Here is line 1810 set_magic_quotes_runtime 0 If this is a deprecated function what can I replace it with..
Pear error messages with PHP5.3.0 www PEAR PEAR Command.php on line 154 Deprecated Function set_magic_quotes_runtime is deprecated in C wamp www PEAR PEAR Config.php on line 1026.. www PEAR PEAR Config.php on line 1026 Deprecated Function set_magic_quotes_runtime is deprecated in C wamp www PEAR PEAR Config.php on line 1033.. www PEAR PEAR Config.php on line 1033 Deprecated Function set_magic_quotes_runtime is deprecated in C wamp www PEAR PEAR DependencyDB.php on line..