php Programming Glossary: settings
Simplest PHP example for retrieving user_timeline with Twitter API version 1.1 make any decent use of this API you'll need to change your settings to Read Write if you're doing anything other than standard data.. Set access tokens here see https apps settings array 'oauth_access_token' YOUR_OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN 'oauth_access_token_secret'.. and echo the response twitter new TwitterAPIExchange settings echo twitter buildOauth url requestMethod setPostfields postfields..
Reference - frequently asked questions about PDO [closed] important information following site wide error reporting settings. Note that setting this mode as a connection option will let.. On a live site you have to peek into error logs so settings have to be error_reporting E_ALL ini_set 'display_errors' 0.. PHP errors so you can define the behavior using site wide settings so you will have your error message without this useless code...
Are PHP short tags acceptable to use? ... tags are supported everywhere regardless of shorttags settings . This should mean they're safe to use in portable code but..
Grabbing the href attribute of an A element
A simple program to CRUD node and node values of xml file you use it like this CREATE config new SimpleXmlElement ' settings ' config setting1 'setting1 value' config saveXML 'config.xml'..
Warning: mysql_fetch_array(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result Purpose Connect to the database function DbConnector Load settings from parent class settings SystemComponent getSettings Get the.. function DbConnector Load settings from parent class settings SystemComponent getSettings Get the main settings from the array.. class settings SystemComponent getSettings Get the main settings from the array we just loaded host settings 'dbhost' db settings..
Headers already sent by PHP also depends on free disk space and other php.ini settings. Further links Google provides a lengthy list of similar discussions..
Remove index.php?route=common/home from OpenCart have User SEO URL's set to Yes in OpenCart Admin. System Settings Store Server User SEO URL's So far all tags and SEO links are..
Simplest PHP example for retrieving user_timeline with Twitter API version 1.1 standard data retrieval using GET requests. Choose the Settings tab near the top of the page. Give your application read write..
MySQL server has gone away - in exactly 60 seconds 1 connect_timeout 10 datadir C Documents and Settings All Users Application Data MySQL MySQL Server 5.1 Data date_format.. built in general_log OFF general_log_file C Documents and Settings All Users Application Data MySQL MySQL Server 5.1 Data p1.log.. OFF log_error C Documents and Settings All Users Application Data MySQL MySQL Server 5.1 Data p1.err..
Debugging 500 Internal Server Error on PHP running on IIS7 cluster clicking on the œError Pages icon clicking œEdit Feature Settings action and then selecting œDetailed Errors p Source share improve..
How to use PHP OPCache? APC. Instead you should use the Session Upload Progress . Settings for OPcache The documentation for OPcache can be found here..
jquery using ajax to send data and save in php processData false success function data alert data alert Settings has been updated successfully. window.location.reload true ..
Basic authentication and session management library for PHP? get user data get session data log in user log out user Settings Session lifetime password encryption Must be Open Source And..
Open file, write to file, save file as a zip and stream to user for download utility activated by a button or link that just reads Copy Settings that will take a site's existing settings the sb2_options write..
Fetching attachments from gmail via either python or php You will have to enable IMAP access to your GMail account Settings Forwarding and POP IMAP and then use imaplib.IMAP4_SSL to access..
Elegant way to get the count of months between two dates?
Bulletin board - Database optimisation for Sally's 5th bulletin re MO Billngs FO. Note that user Settings BulletinsPerPage etc are 1 1 with User so they are in User child..
How do I enable XAMPP to locally use the php's mail() function so I can test my mail() scripts locally without having to upload to my server? Thunderbird 3 5. In Thunderbird a. click on Tools Account Settings b. In Account Settings i. click on Account Actions Add Mail.. a. click on Tools Account Settings b. In Account Settings i. click on Account Actions Add Mail Account ii. In Add Mail..
How to debug PHP with netbeans and Xdebug xdebug.idekey netbeans xdebug Note In NetBeans go to Settings and look where the xdebug stuff is set up. Look for that Session..
Check whether a Directory Exists in PHP or not. In other words if I put rootDir C Documents and Settings test My Documents Image Directory Me Dog then the function will..