php Programming Glossary: remembering
Sanitizing user's data in GET by PHP article titles like śNew books from O 'Reilly Naturally remembering to pg_escape_string or mysql_real_escape_string and htmlspecialchars..
What is the best way to create a PHP login page? upon a successful log in and have them persist over pages remembering to call session_start before using them . Also session_start..
Htmlentities vs addslashes vs mysqli_real_escape_string is the one with the vulnerability. Is this true or am I remembering incorrectly php security web security mysql real escape string..
What is the best way to password protect folder/page using php without a db or username for internal site where people would have hell of a time remembering their login and password and would never go through sign up..
Basics of a remember-me system as the userid for validation purposes for however long the remembering period lasts you should also set the remember me period in the..
How can we split a sentence instead of splitting a word this is a How can I do that remembering that sentence isn't a fixed string it could be anything php..
PHP storing password in cookie secure way to store the password in the browser cookie for remembering the login information in the cookie without creating an extra..
PHP convert string to htmlentities content else recurse doc elm Load in the DOM remembering that XML requires one root node doc new DOMDocument doc loadXML..
PHP date_default_timezone_set() Eastern Standard Time (EST) for that purpose i.e. storage and normal math. It's worth remembering that even the good old Unix timestamp is seconds past midnight..
How do I find a user's IP address with PHP? trying to see where your traffic is originating from or remembering what IP the user last connected from where the public IP of..
Declaration to make PHP script completely Unicode-friendly getting all that except by using the right functions and remembering that characters are not the same as bytes. One thing that might..