php Programming Glossary: relied
In PHP, is there a function that returns an array made up of the value of a key from an array of associative arrays? to implement pluck . The first version I posted relied on array_map however I agree with @salathe that array_reduce..
What's the best way to create a single-file upload form using PHP? can easily be manipulated on the client so should not be relied upon. It's main benefit is to provide the user with early warning..
Get Number of Rows from a Select statement
How can I vendorize bcrypt in a PHP application (and should I)? to 5.3.0 PHP didn't support bcrypt by default. Instead it relied on the OS's support check the CRYPT_BLOWFISH constant . As you've..
How to demonstrate an exploit of extract($_POST)? assessing the security of a PHP5 application. The author relied on extract _POST and extract _GET in some places outside of..
Testing for a PHP Closure without referring to the Closure internal class class. This is an implementation detail and should not be relied upon . Emphasis is my own Is it possible to test a variable..
strtotime() considered harmful? is sort of a nifty trick that shouldn't necessarily be relied on for important date time calculations and by the nature of..
How to validate an Email in PHP? in PHP 5.2.0 If you don't want to change your code that relied on your function just do function isValidEmail email return..
Count number of rows in SELECT query with PDO is not guaranteed for all databases and should not be relied on for portable applications. I found that out only very recently...
php pdo prepare repetitive variables named parameters are supported however this shouldn't be relied upon as it's brittle it can make upgrades require more work..