php Programming Glossary: reject
Is this mail() function safe from header injection? using FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL on that which should also reject anything with a newline in it. However you should strictly be..
Apache vs. IIS PHP performance comparison Just need to justify it or find a compelling reason to reject the big cuddly MS monster that I'm used to. UPDATED Windows..
Preventing session hijacking clients sharing a single SID on the server and then reject the hijack attempt EDIT I have accepted Gumbo's answer after.. A's requests and therefore the server has no reason to reject any request. Even if we were to list the sessions that were..
Blacklist of words on content to filter message
How to change envelope from address using PHP mail? nobody@conniptin.internal and some remote mailservers reject this because the domain doesn't exist obviously . Using PHP..
Htmlentities vs addslashes vs mysqli_real_escape_string nuances. The general rule I live by is validate not filter reject if incorrect input escape output based on context . share improve..
My web host is adding ?PHPSESSID=fgh2h45… to the end of the URL to track sessions may break your application for users who reject cookies. In short you can control the session ID to make it..
PHP /SESSION: Login one per user? the session ID and last access time in a database and reject login attempts for users with different session IDs if the last..
Cancel an HTTP POST request server side how it can't be done. mod_perl to the rescue here you can reject a request before the whole request body is uploaded. share..
Why shouldn't I use PHP's mail() function? It is common practice by free mail provider such as GMX to reject mails send via the PHP function mail . Very often such mails..
How do you configure Apache/PHP to accept slashes in query strings? what I want to accept this form of URL in both cases not reject it. php apache apache2 query string share improve this question..
content type 'text/xml; charset=utf-8' was not the expected type 'application/soap+xml; charset=utf-8' type application soap xml . Your SOAP server seems to reject this content type expecting only text xml . According to this..
Compiling an AST back to source code comments away completely. Again people hate this and will reject a prettyprinted answer in which comments are lost. This is the..
“VIEW FULL SITE” mobile site option do not support JS. A View Full Site will set a cookie to reject mobile site which is detectable. Use cookies to keep track of..
echo problems in PHP . its purpose is to view uploaded files and approve or reject the file uploaded. AS YOU SEE ITS ALL ABOUT THE FILES UPLOADED.. is just for viewing which file have been approved or rejected by the superadmin . my problem is all in the superadmin and.. i used link images here working HOME to view all accepted rejected files NEW UPLOAD to view and accept reject all pending files..
PHP CURL HTTPS causing exception SSL certificate problem, verify that the CA cert is OK but no longer bundles ANY CA certs. So by default it'll reject all SSL certificates as unverifiable. You'll have to get your..
securing connection to php server the SSL connection will not be created as the server will reject incoming SSL connections that do not present the client certificate..