php Programming Glossary: removed
How foreach actually works is safe against modification i.e. if the current Bucket is removed then the internal array pointer will be updated to point to.. pointer is set to the next bucket if the current one is removed rather than the previous one as you would expect . It's done.. double 1 because the element with the backed up hash was removed. Now remember that a hash is just that A hash. I.e. it has collisions...
PHP PDO and MySQLi [duplicate] that the mysql extension is now deprecated and will be removed sometime in the future . That's because it is ancient full of..
Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated the warning you state but it is not required and can be removed. To see why this idiom was used in PHP4 see this manual page..
The mysql extension is deprecated and will be removed in the future: use mysqli or PDO instead mysql extension is deprecated and will be removed in the future use mysqli or PDO instead When I attempt to connect.. Deprecated The mysql extension is deprecated and will be removed in the future use mysqli or PDO instead in path to filename.php.. is officially deprecated as of PHP v5.5.0 and will be removed in the future. It was originally introduced in PHP v2.0 for..
How long will my session last? a little bit more complicated. Because the session data is removed by a garbage collector that is only called by session_start..
dynamic drop down box? to suit your database the reference to selStudent was removed. But this here above is how you would use it . We now build..
Redefine Built in PHP Functions Note By default only userspace functions may be removed renamed or modified. In order to override internal functions..
Sanitizing strings to make them URL and filename safe? some additional characters like temp vim files update removed the star character since I could not think of a valid use php..
Highlight the difference between two strings in PHP Overflow edit history page where new text is in green and removed text is in red. If there are any pre written functions or classes..
ALTER TABLE in Magento setup script without using SQL be modified columnName the name of the column that should removed dropForeignKey method is used for removing of foreing keys... tableName the table name where the index should be removed keyName the index name modifyColumn method is used to modify..
PHP global in functions you see in frameworks are code smells that should be removed in favor of Dependency Injection. Decouple your code. More Resources..
How do I expire a PHP session after 30 minutes? file ™s modification date so that the session is not removed by the garbage collector prematurely. You can also use an additional..
Remove style attribute from HTML tags the match that is not the first captured group should be removed like this output preg_replace ' ^ style . i' ' 1' input Match..
How to find all Youtube video ids in a string using a regex? JavaScript version with the exact same regex with comments removed Linkify youtube URLs which are not already links. function linkifyYouTubeURLs..
How can I use PHP's various XML libraries to get DOM-like functionality and avoid DoS vulnerabilities, like Billion Laughs or Quadratic Blowup? secs. Mem 369 088 Peak 435 464 Mem 369 184 Peak 435 464 Removed load string. Removed load string. Mem 357 112 Peak 435 464.. 435 464 Mem 369 184 Peak 435 464 Removed load string. Removed load string. Mem 357 112 Peak 435 464 Mem 357 208 Peak 435..
How to prevent the cron job execution, if it is already running file with php code same like pid files when cron started. Removed the lock file with php code when cron finished. And any new..
Reference detection in array from another function wrap array arr printf pre s pre print_r test arr true Removed Top Refrence Removed Global Add Recursion Returns array @param.. pre s pre print_r test arr true Removed Top Refrence Removed Global Add Recursion Returns array @param array arr @return..
Zend Framework 2 - Removed form element causes validation to fail Framework 2 Removed form element causes validation to fail I use a certain form..
Bulletin board - Database optimisation First Data Model so that you could see what I meant 15.3. Removed in the Second Data Model. . 16. Confirmed each user has a home.. users.total_bulletins is redundant it can be derived. Removed. . 24. All your PKs are Ids. Haven't you gotten tired of getting..
$_POST empty on utf-8 characters issue 214 problem when inserting special characters Removed link EllisLabs has closed this repo to the public Maybe adding..
Can a PHP file name (or a dir in its full path) have UTF-8 characters? setup there is no problem using SSI for these pages. EDIT Removed info on url rewriting since it does not seem to be a factor...
Using $this in anonymous function this inside an anonymous function using PHP 5.3 Edit Removed the assign by ref character since objects are assigned by ref..