php Programming Glossary: remaining
Do SQL connections opened with PDO in PHP have to be closed you need to destroy the object by ensuring that all remaining references to it are deleted you do this by assigning NULL to..
PHP: Truncate HTML, ignoring tags after the tag. position tagPosition strlen tag Print any remaining text. if printedLength maxLength position strlen html print..
Getting a modified preorder tree traversal model (nested set) into a <ul> result . renderTree tree currNode 'depth' else No close remaining ul result . str_repeat ' ul ' currNode 'depth' 1 return result..
str_shuffle and randomness and will be less random due to the string's characters remaining the same as the input only with their order changed. However.. and will be less random due to the string's characters remaining the same as the input only with their order changed. However..
isset() and empty() make code ugly values and overwrite them with actual values. In the remaining cases let's say a template where you're outputting values that..
How can I throttle user login attempts in PHP we need to throttle based on delay if is_numeric delay remaining_delay time latest_attempt delay output remaining delay echo.. delay remaining_delay time latest_attempt delay output remaining delay echo 'You must wait ' . remaining_delay . ' seconds before.. delay output remaining delay echo 'You must wait ' . remaining_delay . ' seconds before your next login attempt' else code..
Getting relative path from absolute path in PHP this directory array_shift relPath else get number of remaining dirs to from remaining count from depth if remaining 1 add.. relPath else get number of remaining dirs to from remaining count from depth if remaining 1 add traversals up to first.. of remaining dirs to from remaining count from depth if remaining 1 add traversals up to first matching dir padLength count..
Fastest Way to Serve a File Using PHP way to get your web server to help you the only solution remaining is readfile it's available in all php versions currently in..
Download File to server from URL data that is the second argument is a stream resource the remaining buffer of that stream will be copied to the specified file...
Change single variable value in querystring [closed] array b 5 http_build_query to re build a query string The remaining parts from the first step protocol host path... to re build..
Bulletin board - Database optimisation InterestedCategories I know only of only BulletinsPerPage remaining but I am sure there are others. IsPreference2 is an eg. of a..
How to find all Youtube video ids in a string using a regex? centuries but also the leap into electronic typesetting remaining essentially unchanged. http watch v A_6gNZCkajU.. ID char class Edit 2011 07 17 Fixed regex to consume any remaining part e.g. query of URL following YouTube ID. Added 'i' ignore..
Finding cartesian product with PHP associative arrays and value first item in input sub array 2. Then for each remaining item in current input sub array add a copy of each existing..
Restrict file access to authorized php users files live . handlerscript.php 1 Then you pick up the remaining file path and name from _SERVER 'PATH_INFO' . share improve..
Convert seconds into days, hours, minutes and seconds minutes floor minuteSeconds secondsInAMinute extract the remaining seconds remainingSeconds minuteSeconds secondsInAMinute seconds.. secondsInAMinute extract the remaining seconds remainingSeconds minuteSeconds secondsInAMinute seconds ceil remainingSeconds.. minuteSeconds secondsInAMinute seconds ceil remainingSeconds return the final array obj array 'd' int days 'h' int..