php Programming Glossary: reload
Caching HTTP responses when they are dynamically created by PHP contents until it expires or when a user forces a page reload e.g. press F5 . Dynamic generated content For dynamic content..
When should I use Memcache instead of Memcached? a newer cas token was created and you are forced to reload the data and save it again with the new token. Read through..
Matlab executable too slow should be faster but if you rerun later you will have to reload the process in memory. You can enclose your code within tic..
What is the difference between redirect and forward in Zend framework url options I usually do redirects when I want to prevent reload a page resulting in reposting form data. See these http
Submit form without page reloading form without page reloading I have a classifieds website and on the page where ads are.. name ad_id form When submitting the form the page gets reloaded... I don't want that... Is there any way to make it not reload.. I don't want that... Is there any way to make it not reload and still send the mail Preferrably without ajax or jquery.....
HTML - Change\Update page contents without refreshing\reloading the page Change Update page contents without refreshing reloading the page i get the data from DB and display it in a div..... one option is to pass parameter through URL to itself and reload the page... I need to do it without reloading refreshing ..... to itself and reload the page... I need to do it without reloading refreshing ... php id '1' function recp rId id rId a href..
Simple Post-Redirect-Get code example . That seems to me like protection against both page reload and back button problems. Did I goof by trying to reinvent the..
get user timezone [duplicate] data 'time ' visitortimezone success function location.reload script You may or may not have noticed but you need to change.. it will first load the page execute the JavaScript and reload the page. You will then be able to read the timezone variable..
Server Side Reload Initiation on Ajax Call Side Reload Initiation on Ajax Call I need to initiate a reload from the server side PHP durring and AJAX call. How do I do.. and then do an innerHTML add. However it is not a proper reload in my book as it doen not intiate the onload function. It also..
Cascade Dropdown List using jQuery/PHP name ASC echo select name 'country' id 'country' onchange reload this.form title 'Country e g United Kingdom Pakistan' option..
PHP Daemon/worker environment path to your processor' set_time_limit 0 cycles 0 run true reload false declare ticks 30 function signal_handler signal switch.. case SIGTERM global run run false break case SIGHUP global reload reload true break pcntl_signal SIGTERM 'signal_handler' pcntl_signal.. global run run false break case SIGHUP global reload reload true break pcntl_signal SIGTERM 'signal_handler' pcntl_signal..
“[notice] child pid XXXX exit signal Segmentation fault (11)” in apache error.log [closed] Attach gdb to one of the httpd child processes and reload or continue working and wait for a crash and then look at the..
destroy session on window close? came to my mind as there's no way I could determine a page reload or the like in JavaScript. Also I didn't do extensive testing..
How can one check to see if a remote file exists using PHP?
Reload MySQL data inside a DIV using Ajax MySQL data inside a DIV using Ajax I need to make a moderate..
Wordpress: Use method=“post” for multiple language selection Cookie setcookie 'location' _POST 'location' time 1209600 Reload the current page so that the cookie is sent with the request..
How to detect fake users ( crawlers ) and cURL echo str_repeat ' br ' 2 echo EOT a id reload href # Reload a script type text javascript '#reload' .click function e e.preventDefault.. ' br ' 2 Display reload link echo EOT a id reload href # Reload a script type text javascript '#reload' .click function e e.preventDefault.. br ' 2 Display reload link echo EOT br a id reload href # Reload a br script type text javascript '#reload' .click function e..
Stop caching for PHP 5.5.3 in MAMP in MAMP Installed MAMP on a new Macbook with PHP 5.5.3. Reload and refresh do nothing. Still nothing. Google around for a few..
Reload AJAX data every X minutes/seconds, jQuery AJAX data every X minutes seconds jQuery I programmed a CMS..
JqGrid Reload not working Reload not working I'm having an issue with Jqgrid I've got two grids..
Reload the page on hitting back button the page on hitting back button I have a webpage that requires..
My Magento Extension Install Script Will Not Run your installer to make sure it's the one you think it is. Reload the page and you'll get exception text complaining about whatever..
Server Side Reload Initiation on Ajax Call Side Reload Initiation on Ajax Call I need to initiate a reload from the..