php Programming Glossary: prop
PHP connecting to MediaWiki API and retrieve data URL is url 'http w api.php action query prop revisions rvprop content format xml redirects titles Main Page'.. w api.php action query prop revisions rvprop content format xml redirects titles Main Page' . I simply want.. fopen url 'http w api.php action query prop revisions rvprop content format xml redirects titles Main 20Page'..
What does the & sign mean in PHP? [duplicate] Then the original object is not altered eg a new Obj a prop 1 b clone a b prop 2 a prop remains at 1 share improve this..
Tools to visually analyze memory usage of a PHP app obj usage array 'Total' strlen serialize obj while list prop propVal each obj if deep is_object propVal is_array propVal.. usage array 'Total' strlen serialize obj while list prop propVal each obj if deep is_object propVal is_array propVal usage.. obj while list prop propVal each obj if deep is_object propVal is_array propVal usage 'Children' prop analyzeMem propVal..
How to parse Wikipedia XML with PHP? allpages gaplimit 2 gapfilterredir nonredirects gapfrom Re prop revisions rvprop content format xml Edit code php define EMAIL_ADDRESS.. 2 gapfilterredir nonredirects gapfrom Re prop revisions rvprop content format xml Edit code php define EMAIL_ADDRESS allpages gaplimit 2 gapfilterredir nonredirects gapfrom Re prop revisions rvprop content format xml xml curl_exec ch xml_reader..
What's method for checking user fan of a page in GRAPH API? to check for an empty object function isEmpty obj for var prop in obj if obj.hasOwnProperty prop return false return true Code.. isEmpty obj for var prop in obj if obj.hasOwnProperty prop return false return true Code taken from my tutorial . While..
Get PHP class property by string PHP class property by string How do I get a property in a PHP based on a string.. PHP class property by string How do I get a property in a PHP based on a string I'll call it magic . So what.. 'Name' php share improve this question Like this php prop 'Name' echo obj prop Or if you have control over the class implement..
How to get results from the Wikipedia API with PHP? w api.php action query titles Your_Highness prop revisions rvprop content rvsection 0 failed to open stream HTTP.. api.php action query titles Your_Highness prop revisions rvprop content rvsection 0 failed to open stream HTTP request failed.. w api.php action query titles Your_Highness prop revisions rvprop content rvsection 0' var_dump file_get_contents..