php Programming Glossary: promising
Setup multi languages wordpress question I've tested 2 plugins that both looked very promising qTranslate and Gengo qTranslate works by adding inputs for all..
Lightweight PHP5 based template class/system of some template engines http 19 promising php template engines http wiki Web_template_system#Server..
Sending passwords over the web Which will probably happen sooner or later if you become a promising target. Use bcrypt with long random per user salt sha is insecure..
Scalable, Delayed PHP Processing are interested in it. So far in testing it has shown to be promising solution no problems with memory leaking or instability . EDIT..
Download CSV file using “AJAX”
How to wrap long lines without spaces in HTML? I haven't personally used it but Hyphenator looks promising. Also see related possibly duplicate questions word wrap in..
Secure hash and salt for PHP passwords simple preventing malicious access to user accounts by compromising the database. So the goal of password hashing is to deter a.. yet. But still the future of the algorithm does look promising. If you are working with Ruby there is an scrypt gem that will..
DOM parser that allows HTML5-style </ in <script> tag jquery tmpl id foo td test script html5lib passes Possibly promising. Can I get at the contents of the script#foo tag Source php..
Generate Random Weighted value 5 22 9 31 and 10 35 of the time. Lets graph it It looks promising but lets try something crazier... nodes array 1 22 3 50 6 2..
Best way to implement Single-Sign-On with all major providers? independently. The last of the 3 solutions above looks promising from the concept. Everything is just ported to an synthetic..
So eclipse and xdebug walk into a bar, and then my apache server dies xdebug share improve this question This article sounds promising. Both XDebug and Eclipse in its php dev env can use the DBGp..
Compiling an AST back to source code and calls a visit method of a Visitor . This sounds pretty promising for node manipulation where the Visitor visit method could simply..
Resume/CV Parsing in PHP [closed] hr_solutions.php nav sourcebox They both seem promising enough to utilize and not have to reinvent the wheel here especially..
Torn Between learning PHP [insert framework here] and Ruby on Rails [closed] to be getting better though. The Rails Guides is very promising but it's still a pain point I believe. Rails almost has too..
Is Quercus a viable replacement for PHP in Java environments? to discover the Quercus project because it looked like a promising path to move our project to a more pure Java environment. I..
How can I have Github on my own server? like Github but I ran accross something in PHP that looks promising so far. It is called Glip it is on Github here https
Facebook needs the CURL PHP extension
Can reputation scoring system be implemented using business rule management system (BRMS), such as OpenL Tablets, in PHP? Rules Management Systems BRMS . OpenL Tablets looks promising though at the onset it seems to be created with the use in insurance..
Asynchronous processing or message queues in PHP (CakePHP) I came across the MultiTask plugin for CakePHP that looks promising. I also came across various message queue implementations such..
PHP sessions in a load balancing cluster - how? stuff and auto_prepend option pointed out by Greg seems promising but that would feel like reinventing the wheel. P Added 2 The..