php Programming Glossary: programid
How to insert an array into a single MySQL Prepared statement w/ PHP and PDO as follows stmt db prepare INSERT INTO table SET memberID programID date_added NOW stmt execute array memberid 155 I would normally.. data 1 j stmt db prepare INSERT INTO table SET memberID programID date_added NOW stmt execute array memberid data j I do realize.. query programatically... sql 'INSERT INTO table memberID programID VALUES ' insertQuery array insertData array foreach data as..
MySQL Structure for a social network phone etc PRIMARY KEY schoolID CREATE TABLE schoolPrograms programID INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT programName VARCHAR 100 any other.. about the program department teachers etc PRIMARY KEY programID CREATE TABLE educationInfo userID INT NOT NULL schoolID INT.. TABLE educationInfo userID INT NOT NULL schoolID INT programID INT startDate DATE endDate DATE FOREIGN KEY userID REFERENCES..