php Programming Glossary: prompt
proc_open interaction user@host . At some point it is likely to happen I will be prompted for either a password or I might be asked whether or not I'm.. but the point is I know this connection will first prompt me for offending keys and then ask a password. My guess is the..
Utility of HTTP header “Content-Type: application/force-download” for mobile? will not treat it as a PDF Word Document MP3 whatever and prompt the user to save the mysterious file to disk instead . It is..
Magento upgrade takes too long and never completes other name using the web app œphpMyAdmin Open the command prompt window and then type œmysql to start the MySQL Command Prompt... unzipped database into the test database using the command prompt so that it will be a lot faster without any errors. After the.. the new upgraded database in a zipped format using command prompt so that it will be a lot faster without any errors. Extract..
PHP:How to send the original password to the user when he clicks forgot password which is encrypted by using md5? and then when the user logs in with that password prompt them to enter a permanent new password. Generate a nonce store..
PHP_AUTH_USER not set? for me. When I enter the correct username and password the prompt box for the authorization again pops up. Wouldn't both fields..
How can i put my WAMP online for someone to access? works very easily for me on WinXP. Fire up the command prompt and enter ipconfig all get your local IP address Log into your..
Should I use EAV model? That can also be scheduled or manually triggered with a prompt to the administrator. 2. 3rd Party User Complexity If you ever..
Getting PHPUnit Working - Include Path not set correctly? FALSE Open a console terminal on Mac or Linux command prompt on Win navigate to your localhost document root where you saved..
How to Automatically Start a Download in PHP? of functionality similar to that of download sites that prompt the user to save a file to disk once you click on the name of..
PHP passing $_GET in linux command prompt passing _GET in linux command prompt Say we usually access via http localhost index.php a 1 b 2.. a 1 b 2 c 3 How do we execute the same in linux command prompt php e index.php But what about passing the _GET variables Maybe..
Use PHP to create, edit and delete crontab jobs? crontab l list user's crontab r delete user's crontab i prompt before deleting user's crontab So output shell_exec 'crontab..
Installing PEAR and PHPUnit with xampp go pear.phar Save it under C xampp php Open a command prompt and go to C xampp php Type php go pear.phar Installs new PEAR.. folders. Ether fix those permissions or start the cmd prompt with admin privileges windowsbutton enter cmd then strg shift..
Download file through an ajax call php based on the user input. After it's created I want it to prompt download or force download preferably force . I am using the..
PHP generate file for download then redirect to a new page after the file is built and the download prompt is sent. Just adding header Location newpage to the end didn't..
Header Location + Content Disposition content disposition header in firebug but it doesn't prompt the file to be downloaded which it should right . Any ideas..
Service Applications and Google Analytics API V3: Server-to-server OAuth2 authentication? the Google API Console gave me no Secret and did not prompt me for a Redirect URL. Unfortunately I can not figure out how..
Prompt user to save file through AJAX call user to save file through AJAX call I'm exporting my DHTMLX..
Magento upgrade takes too long and never completes window and then type œmysql to start the MySQL Command Prompt. Import the unzipped database into the test database using the..
Prompt user to download PDF file instead of opening user to download PDF file instead of opening In my project..
How do I install cURL on Windows? 32 choose whether you will use curl in a Windows Command Prompt Generic or in a Cygwin terminal cygwin . For Win 64 choose whether.. 64 choose whether you will use curl in a Windows Command Prompt Generic or MinGW MinGW64 . Click Select If required choose your.. C Program Files. Testing curl Open up the Windows Command Prompt terminal. From the Start menu click Run then type cmd. Set the..
Command Line Password Prompt in PHP Line Password Prompt in PHP I'm writing a command line tool to help my web app...
Use php to set cron jobs in Windows C drive To schedule the batch file to run Open Command Prompt Paste the following schtasks create sc minute mo 20 tn PHP Cron..