

php Programming Glossary: parent_id

Achieve hierarchy, Parent/Child Relationship in an effective and easy way


for Slashdot for their comments hierarchies They store parent_id like in Adjacency List but they also store a root_id column...

Magento upgrade takes too long and never completes


dataflow_batch_export ALTER TABLE orders CHANGE url parent_id VARCHAR 255 CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_swedish_ci NULL..

Convert flat array to the multi-dimentional


array '0' array 'Menu' array 'id' 45 'name' 'Home' 'parent_id' 1 '1' array 'Menu' array 'id' 47 'name' 'Get started' 'parent_id'.. 1 '1' array 'Menu' array 'id' 47 'name' 'Get started' 'parent_id' 1 '2' array 'Menu' array 'id' 72 'name' 'Attributes' 'parent_id'.. 1 '2' array 'Menu' array 'id' 72 'name' 'Attributes' 'parent_id' 71 '3' array 'Menu' array 'id' 73 'name' 'Headings' 'parent_id'..

mysqli giving “Commands out of sync” error - why?


if result echo table border '1' tr th id th th name th th parent_id th th parent_name th th level th th email th tr while row mysqli_fetch_assoc.. td s td td s td td s td td s td tr row id row name row parent_id row parent_name row level row email echo table mysqli_free_result..

PHP tree structure for categories and sub categories without looping a query


This does the job items array object array 'id' 42 'parent_id' 1 object array 'id' 43 'parent_id' 42 object array 'id' 1 'parent_id'.. object array 'id' 42 'parent_id' 1 object array 'id' 43 'parent_id' 42 object array 'id' 1 'parent_id' 0 childs array foreach items.. 1 object array 'id' 43 'parent_id' 42 object array 'id' 1 'parent_id' 0 childs array foreach items as item childs item parent_id..

Converting an array from one to multi-dimensional based on parent ID values


that represent multi dimensional data array array id 45 parent_id null array id 200 parent_id 45 array id 345 parent_id 45 array.. data array array id 45 parent_id null array id 200 parent_id 45 array id 345 parent_id 45 array id 355 parent_id 200 How.. 45 parent_id null array id 200 parent_id 45 array id 345 parent_id 45 array id 355 parent_id 200 How should I convert it into..